Songtext zu ' Ball Point Man ' von 2 Skinnee J's

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Up, up, and away.
Ball Point Man's come to save the day.

Up, up, and away.
Ball Point Man's come to save the day.

Up, up, and away.
Ball Point Man's come to save the day.

Up, up, and away.
Ball Point Man's come to save the day.

I've got sass and savvy,
pack flash by the paragraph
I'm more novel than War and Peace
I fight beasts
up to the teeth on the daily
My pen is my sword and my sword never fails me.
I remember back in the days of my youth
When I used to run around
on the block with a few friends
and Kickers
and stickers on our Big Wheels,
and Kung Fu grips
was the big deal.
At nighttime we'd fight crime
Defending civilians
mounting extra sensory offenses
against the villians
by the millions
cause we instilled fear,
Jimmy quit,
Joey got married,
but I'm still here

Up, up, and away.
Ball Point Man's come to save the day.

Up, up, and away.
Ball Point Man's come to save the day.

I've got my head in the clouds but I'm grounded.
The superhero's stuck to the pavement and I'm pounded.
Astounded by the sound of unfounded speculation
by authorities around to confound the population.
Now look whose well
I propose top break the shell.
The coffee shop carves lights into the spill
these visions of cathedrals from a shopping mall,
and philosophy from a bathroom wall.
So what can I expect without hesitation,
to my devastation
my notebook is my battlefield I run tons of slums
and I can leap a metaphor in a single bound

Up, up, and away.
Ball Point Man's come to save the day.

Up, up, and away.
Ball Point Man's come to save the day.

I'm biding my time
I'm biding my time
I'm biding my time
I'm biding my time

I'm biding my time
waiting for a sign
to be sent to me
to unleash the power of my secret identity,
but until that day
I will stay for the time being
incognito laying low with my rhymes.
Well Shazaam.
I love it like a rap band
and my inopportunistic sits
in the face of distraction,
in action makes me a good guy
like Mathis, so I attack like Landis
in the bathroom , like Aquaman.
Millions of evil heed this terrain,
it's a parade of polemics and I love a parade
so I ride into the sunset
with the money and the girl
but in my spare time I still save the world

Up, up, and away.
Ball Point Man's come to save the day.

Up, up, and away.
Ball Point Man's come to save the day.

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Etwas, das öfter passiert, als wir denken, ist, dass Leute den Text von Ball Point Man suchen, weil es ein Wort im Lied gibt, das sie nicht ganz verstehen und sicherstellen möchten, was es sagt.

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