Songtext zu 'Battles and Brotherhood' von 3 Inches of Blood

Battles and Brotherhood ist ein Lied von 3 Inches of Blood, dessen Text unzählige Suchanfragen hat, deshalb haben wir entschieden, dass es seinen Platz auf dieser Webseite verdient, zusammen mit vielen anderen Liedtexten, die Internetnutzer kennenlernen möchten.

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With battleaxes drawn we race across the sky
Hunting down our enemies, we will see them die
A juggernaut of steel carries us to the end
Unleash a bloody massacre on that you can depend

The way that we fight, with metal in our veins
Confidence and fortitude to the final stroke
True brothers stand together proud to make the kill
We are always standing tall

Each day we're getting stronger, our legions multiply
We sound the cry of battle, it make us feel alive
Trust that we are willing to take the posers down
Leave them drawn and quartered, feed them to the hounds

Forging steel
Fight! Kill! Feast!
Hail our comrades of metal

Believe in our metal, believe in our steel
No god will save you, only death is real
The sharpness of our blades and fury in our eyes
Time has come for your demise

There will be bloodshed
There will b death
Vengeance is glorious
The wrath of our blades
The torture, the pain
Onward to victory

Conquer every region, invading like a swarm
Killing through the day and feast until the dawn
Do not interfere with us or you will feel the wrath
We will keep on marching down our chosen metal path

The way that we fight, with metal in our veins
Confidence and fortitude to the final stroke
True brothers stand together proud to make the kill
We are always standing tall


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