Songtext zu 'The Truth About Men' von A Bird Flew

We Don't Like to Go Out Shoppin
We Don't Care What's On Sale
We Just Wanna to Sit With a Bag Full of Chips Watchin the Nfl

When You Come Over At Half Time
And Say Does This Dress Fit to Tight
We Just Look You in the Eye With a Big Fat Lie
And Say Uh Uh Fits Just Right

Well That's the Truth About Men
That's the Truth About Us
We Like to Hunt and Golf On Our Days Off
And Scratch and Spit and Cuss
No Matter What Line We Hand Ya When We Come Draggin in
We Ain't Wrong, We Ain't Sorry
And It's Probably Happen Again

We Hate Watchin Steal Magnolias
We Like Rambo and Die Hard 4
Jump Up and Down Like Fools
When We See the New Tools
At the Home Depot Store
We Don't Really Want to Take You to Dinner
At Some Fancy Resturant
The Only Reason We do Is Cause It All Leads to the One Thing That We All Want

Well That's the Truth About Men
That's the Truth About Guys
We'd Rather Pick Gituars and Work On Cars
Than Work On the Problems in Our Lives
And Though We Say It to Ya Every Now and Then
We Ain't Wrong, We Ain't Sorry
And It's Probably Gonna Happen Again

Well If You Wanna Know What We're All Thinkin
It's Nothin to Complex
It's Just Something Cold For Drinkin
And a Whole Lot of S.e.s.

That's the Truth About Men
That's the Truth About Us
We Like to Hunt and Golf and Drive Around Lost
And Scratch and Spit and a Whole Lot of Other Disgusting Stuff
It Don't Matter What Line We Give You
When We Come Crawlin in
We Ain't Wrong, We Ain't Sorry
And It's Probably Gonna Happen Again
We Ain't Wrong, We Ain't Sorry
And It's Probably Gonna Happen
Sure It's Gonna Happen
Ya Know It's Gonna Happen Again

That's the Truth About Men!!

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