Liebst du die Lieder von Agathocles? Hier findest du die Texte zu Agathocless Liedern, damit du sie aus vollem Halse singen, deine eigenen Versionen kreieren oder einfach genau verstehen kannst, was sie bedeuten.
- A for Arrogance
- A Start at Least
- About A Fascist
- Age of the Mutans
- Ain't I?
- Alexandra's End
- Alexandra's end / outro
- All Gone
- All Love Dead
- Alright, Let's Feel
- Alternative - Another Trend
- An Abstract
- Anthropodislogical
- Archives and Files
- As Years Pass By
- At Random
- Autonomy Melts
- Autumness
- Bait Of The State
- Bass The Gabbers
- Bastard Breed (intro)/Scorn of Humanity
- Be Your Own God
- Because
- Big One
- Bigheaded Bastards
- Birds (poem)/Agarchy
- Black Ones (poem)/Systemophobic
- Blackclouds Determinate
- Bomb The Bastard
- Bureaucracy Versus Efficiency
- Carved Face Fashion
- Cheers Mankind Cheers
- Chop Off Their Genitals
- Christianity Means Tyranny
- Class War Necessity
- Clean the Scene
- Closed Down
- Confront your Image
- Consuming Endoderme Pus
- Cool Fools
- Cracking up Solidarity
- Crimilisation Of Strange Behaviour
- Criminalisation of a Strange Behaviour
- Culture Of Degradation
- Dare to be Aware
- Dear Friends
- Deserves to Die
- Destroy to Create
- Dethrone The Tyrant
- Diary of White Trash
- Didn't Ask
- Directed By The US
- Distraction
- Distrust and Abuse
- Doctors Wished Me
- Drug-Induced Fantasies
- Ego-Generosity
- Empty Frame
- End of the Line
- Enough
- Euro Nomous
- Europe's Fairytale
- Expendable Goods
- Faded Novelty
- Failure?
- Fear Not
- Fog
- For White Lies
- Forced Pollution
- Forced to Masturbate
- Foul
- Four Walls
- Full Of Hatred
- Gear-Wheels
- Get A Life
- Get of your Ass
- Get Off Your Ass
- Go Fucking Nihilist
- Goredom - Boredom
- Gorgonised Dorks
- Hand In Hand
- Hangman's Dance
- Hash-head, Farmers'Death
- Hate-My Mate
- Hatebirth
- Hatred is the Cure
- Hatronomous
- He Cared
- Here and Now
- Hideous Head-Chopping
- Hideous Headchopping
- Hippie Cult
- Homes Not Domes
- Hormon Mob
- Humarrogance
- I Can't Stand
- I Thought
- Ice Brick
- Intro / Cash Will do The Job
- Introtyl
- Is it Really Mine ?
- Is It Really Mine?
- Is There a Place ?
- It Bothers Me
- Judged By Appearance
- Judged By Appearence
- Judged Too Soon
- Kids For Cash
- Kill your Fucking Idols
- Kill Your Idols
- Kiss an Ass
- Kneel and Pay
- Knock Back
- Kurose
- Labelisation
- Lack of Personality
- Lay Off Me
- Let It Be For What It Is
- Let's Feel Alright
- Libidinous Urges
- Life Control
- Like An Ivy
- Living In Hell
- Logical Exodus
- Lunatic
- Made Of Babies
- Mankind's not Kind
- Matadores Del Libertad
- Maze of Papers
- Media Creations
- Megalomanic Stupidity
- Mince-core
- Mincer
- Mister Hardcore Syndrome
- Model Citizen
- Musicianship-Musicianshit
- Mutilated Regurgitator
- My Reason
- No !
- No One's Right
- No Remorse
- No Sign Of Unity
- No Use...Hatred
- One Sided View
- One-day-fly
- One-Way-Dead-End-Street
- Pale
- Playing With Lifes
- Pricks at Gigs
- Progress or Stupidity ?
- Proud To Be Out
- Provoked Behaviour
- Raw War
- Razor Sharp Daggers
- Reduced to an Object
- Rejected Adaptation
- Remember
- Report
- Robotized
- Saturday-Night Swindle
- Save Your Soul
- Scared
- Senseless Trip
- Sentimental Hypocrisy
- Sheer neglect
- Sieg Shit
- Siegshit
- Smash To Nothingness
- Smelling The Odours Of Death
- Snuff Is Not Tough
- Solitary Minned
- Splattered Brains
- Squeeze
- Squeeze Anton
- Strangulation
- Suffocation
- Superiority Overdose
- Swallow or Choke
- Take A Piss
- Teachers
- Technological Boom-Technological Doom
- Tele-conning
- Thanks For Your Hostility
- The Accident
- The Aim Is The Same
- The Bastards Have Landed
- The Tree
- The Truth Begins, Where Man Stops To Think
- Theatric Symbolisation of Life
- Threshold To Senility
- Throwing Away Crap
- Thy Kingdom Won't Come
- Thy Kingdome won't Come
- To Serve... To Protect
- Train
- Triple Murder Flesh
- Trust? Not Me
- Try !
- Twisting History
- Ubermensch Hilarity
- Until it Bleeds
- Useless Judgement
- Wage War
- War Fetisjists Kill
- We Don't Need no Labels
- Well of Hapiness
- Well Of Happiness
- What A Nerve
- What Man Creates
- What Mankind Creates
- Where It Belongs
- White Horse
- Who Cares
- Wir Fahren Geges Nazis
- Wrong Way
- You Bet
- Yuppie Career Freak
- Zero-Ego
- Zero-Tolerance
Agathocles ist eine Grindcore-Band aus Belgien. Die Musiker bezeichnen ihren Stil als Mincecore (in der Mehrdeutigkeit von „Belgischer Minze“ und to mince: ‚zerhacken‘, ‚durch den Fleischwolf drehen‘; to mince words: ‚kein Blatt vor den Mund nehmen‘, und der Endung -core). Außerdem sind Agathocles für ihre zahlreichen Veröffentlichungen bekannt. Sie gehören zu den Bands mit den meisten Veröffentlichungen überhaupt.
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