Songtext zu 'I WANT A GRIL' von American Quartet

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When I was a boy my mother often said to me
Get married boy and see how happy you will be
I have looked all over, but no girlie can I find
Who seems to be just like the little girl I have in mind
I will have to look around until the right one I have found

I want a good girl, just like the girl that married dear old Dad
She was a pearl and the only girl that Daddy ever had
A good old fashioned girl with heart so true
One who loves nobody else but you
I want a good girl, just like the girl that married dear old Dad

By the old mill stream there sit a couple old and gray
Though years have rolled away, their hearts are young today
Mother dear looks up at Dad with love light in her eye
He steals a kiss, a fond embrace, while ev'ning breezes sigh
They're as happy as can be, so that's the kind of love for me

I want a good girl, just like the girl that married dear old Dad
She was a pearl and the only girl that Daddy ever had
A good old fashioned girl with heart so true
One who loves nobody else but you
I want a good girl, just like the girl that married dear old Dad

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Etwas, das öfter passiert, als wir denken, ist, dass Leute den Text von I WANT A GRIL suchen, weil es ein Wort im Lied gibt, das sie nicht ganz verstehen und sicherstellen möchten, was es sagt.