Songtext zu 'Death Mimics Life' von Anagnorisis

Desired by none if not myself.
Time spent in ill will and tail in mouth.
as every moment proves worse than the last.
This broken currency enough to repeat forever.

So many mistakes
and with those even more regret.
A claim of ruined flesh is now ruining me. Endlessly.

Yet so many things broken inside and out.
I carry the torch you left behind.
A charred reminder of how this fucking ends.

Eulogy laced with a silver tongue
As rind is ripped from the fruit of life
Boring out a void
And consuming the earth around me.
Until there's no further down to fall.
No success worth sharing
No markers to prove my worth
No words to match the power of yours
Only timeless loss.
Mimicking your misery
Becoming you in death
and knowing when it can end.

All that bound us was illness.
Now it’s only mine to bear.

Forgone is this cycle.
Endless desire to obtain fulfillment
Forgone is the desire to find peace
Within something so subhuman.

I don't seek fortune
Just acceptance from the dead.
Egocentric as dust lining everything
Taking claim to age and time.
Existence lining the corners of a box
Marked for forgiven lies and physical abuse.

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