Finde hier die Texte zu deinen Lieblingsliedern von Anais Mitchell.
Siehst du das Lied, das du magst, in dieser Liste der Lieder von Anais Mitchell?
- Flowers (Eurydice's Song)
- 1984
- A hymn for the exiled
- Annmarie
- Any Way The Wind Blows
- Before the eyes of storytelling girls
- Changer
- Coming Down
- Cosmic American
- Deliberately
- Doubt Comes In
- Dyin Day
- Epic I
- Epic II
- Gone, I'm Gone
- Hades & Persephone
- He Did
- Hey, Little Songbird
- His Kiss, The Riot
- Hobo's Lullaby
- How Long?
- I Raise My Cup To Him
- I wear your dress
- If It's True
- Make It Up
- Mockingbird
- Namesake
- Nothing Changes
- Of a Friday Night
- Old-Fashioned Hat
- One Good Thing
- Orion
- Orleanna
- Our Lady Of The Underground
- Out of Pawn
- Papers (Hades Finds Out)
- Parking Lot Nudie Bar
- Quecreek Flood
- Santa Fe Dream
- Shenandoah
- Shepherd
- Ships
- Song of the Magi
- Tailor
- the belly and the beast
- The Calling
- The Routine
- The song they sang when Rome fell
- Two Kids
- Venus
- Wait For Me
- Way Down Hadestown
- Wedding Song
- When The Chips Are Down
- Why We Build The Wall
- Wilderland
- Work Makes Free
- You Are Forgiven
- Young Man In America
- Your Fonder Heart
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