Hier kannst du herausfinden, welche Lieder von Ani DiFranco am meisten gesucht werden.
- 32 Flavors
- Both Hands
- Pixie (Be Nice)
- The Diner
- The Million You Never Made
- 'Tis Of Thee
- 1,000,000
- 2nd Intermission
- 4th Of July
- 78% H2o
- 78% Water
- A Spade
- Adam And Eve
- Aids
- Ain't That The Way
- Akimbo
- Albacore
- All Of Nothing
- Alla This
- Amazing Grace
- Amendment
- Angel Food
- Angry Anymore
- Animal
- Anticipate
- Anyday
- As Is
- Asked You First
- Asking Too Much
- Astronaut (Ft Radiohead)
- Back Around
- Back Back Back
- Bliss Like This
- Blood In The Boardroom
- Bodily
- Born a Lion
- Brief Bus Stop
- Bubble
- Buildings And Bridges
- Callous
- Carry You Around
- Circe Of Light
- Circle Of Light
- Clip Clop Clack
- Cloud Blood
- Cold And Mean
- Come Away
- Come Away From It
- Comes a Time
- Coming Up
- Company
- Cradle And All
- Crime For Crime
- decree
- Deep Dish
- Dilate
- Do Re Me
- Dog Coffee
- Done Wrong
- Educated Guess
- Egos Like Hairdos
- Emancipated Minor
- Everest
- Every Angle
- Every State Line
- Evolve
- Face Up And Sing
- Fair Weather
- Falling Is Like This
- Feakshow
- Fierce Flawless
- Find a Fire
- Fire Door
- Fixing Her Hair
- Forest For The Trees
- Freakshow
- Fuck You
- Fuel
- Fuel (Spoken Word)
- Garden Of Simple
- Glass House
- God's Country
- Going Down
- Going Once
- Good Luck
- Good, Bad, Ugly
- Grand Canyon
- Gratitude
- Gravel
- Grey
- Half-assed
- Handsome Musician
- Hat Shaped Hat
- Hearse
- Heartbreak Even
- Hell Yeah
- Hello Birmingham
- Hello, Birmingham
- Here For Now
- Hide & Seek
- Hide And Seek
- Hour Follows Hour
- How Have You Been
- How Long Can It Last
- Hurricane
- Hypnotized
- I Know This Bar
- I'm No Heroine
- Icarus
- If He Tries Anything
- If It Isn't Her
- If Yr Not
- If Yr Or Not
- Imagine That
- Imperfectly
- In Here
- In Or Out
- In The Margins
- In The Way
- Independence Day
- Itch
- J
- Joyful Girl
- Jukebox
- Kazoointoit
- Know Now Then
- Knuckle Down
- Lag Time
- Landing Gear
- Letter To A John
- Letting The Telephone Ring
- Life Boat
- Light Of Some Kind
- Literal
- Little Plastic Castle
- Looking For The Holes
- Loom
- Lost Woman Song
- Make Me Stay
- Make Them Apologize
- Manhole
- Margins
- Mariachi
- Marrow
- Millennium theater
- Millennium Theatre
- Million You Never Made
- Minerva
- Modulation
- Monopoly
- Most Of The Time
- My I.Q.
- My Iq
- My Name Is Lisa Kalvelage
- Names And Dates And Times
- Napoleon
- Nicotine
- No Reason To Come Home
- North Main Street
- Not a Pretty Girl
- Not Angry Anymore
- Not So Soft
- O.k.
- Oh My My
- Old Old Song
- On Every Corner
- One More Night
- One Times One Times One
- Origame
- Origami
- Out Of Habit
- Out Of Range
- Outa Me, Onto You
- Outta Me, Onto You
- Overlap
- Pale Purple
- Paradigm
- Parameters
- Perfect Fingers
- Phase
- Pick Yer Nose
- Pixie
- Platforms
- Present/Infant
- Promiscuity
- Promised Land
- Providence
- Pulse
- Pulse (Bug Poem)
- Rain Check
- Reckoning
- Recoil
- Red Letter Year
- Reprieve
- Reprive
- Revelling
- Rock Paper Scissors
- Rockabye
- Roll With It
- Round A Pole
- Rush Hour
- School Night
- Second Intermession
- Second Intermission
- Seeing Eye Dog
- Self Evident
- Serpentine
- Served Faithfully
- Shameless
- She Says
- Shroud
- Shroud / house of fashion
- Shrug
- Shy
- Sick Of Me
- Silver Ingrid
- Sistersong
- Slide
- Small World
- Smiling Underneath
- So What
- Soft Shoulder
- Sorry I Am
- Spade
- Splinter
- Star Matter
- Studying Stones
- Subconscious
- Subdivision
- Submerged
- Subway
- Sunday Morning
- Superhero
- Swan Dive
- Swan Dive (tracução)
- Swim
- Swing
- Talk To Me Now
- Tamburitza Lingua
- The Arrival's Gate
- The Atom
- The Boys In Blue
- The Interview
- The Next Big Thing
- The Slant
- The Story
- The True Story Of What Was
- The Waiting Song
- The Whole Night
- This Bouquet
- Tiptoe
- To Be Free
- To The Teeth
- Trickle Down
- Two Little Girls
- Unrequited
- Untitled
- Untouchable Face
- Untouchable Face [tradução]
- Unworry
- Up Up Up Up Up
- Up Up Up Up Up Up
- Used To You
- Virtue
- Waiting For Susan
- Way Tight
- Welcome To
- What How When Where (Why Who)
- What If No One's Watching
- Whatall Is Nice
- When Doves Cry
- When I'M Gone
- Which Side Are You On?
- Willing To Fight
- Wish I May
- Wishin' And Hopin'
- Work Your Way Out
- Worthy
- You Each Time
- You Had Time
- Your House
- Your Next Bold Move
- Zoo
Ani DiFranco (* 23. September 1970 in Buffalo, New York) ist eine US-amerikanische Singer-Songwriterin (zunächst Anti-Folk), Labelgründerin (Righteous Babe Records) und politische Aktivistin (v. a. Feminismus).
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