Songtext zu 'Grave Ocean' von Anthelion

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Grave Ocean ist ein Lied von Anthelion, dessen Text unzählige Suchanfragen hat, deshalb haben wir entschieden, dass es seinen Platz auf dieser Webseite verdient, zusammen mit vielen anderen Liedtexten, die Internetnutzer kennenlernen möchten.

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In the black of night
Waves of fury rise as songs of war sound
Bloodshed tunes of blood agitate the souls of the undead, The melody of haunting corpses scars through the somber sky
Heads of the remnant fall
Frost of blood Descend
The undercurrent surges and for a thousand miles extend
All it devours Into the ocean graves

Tranquil is the night
Colossal is the ocean
Undefiled blood divulges in the boundless constellations
Cursed is the snake corpse
For a thousand years condemned
The war for domain must be waged

Atrocious demons wait
Somber gales howl
Appalling thunders sound to the battleground's pulsation.
Green are the eyes of the specter
Trenchant are its fangs
Iron chains smother the soul until its putrid blood drains

Putrid blood shall drain

In the dark of night
Waves of fury rise as songs as war sound
Tunes of blood agitate the souls of the undead

The melody of haunting corpses scars through the somber sky heads of the remnant fall
Frost of blood descend the undercurrent surges and for a thousand miles extend all it devours
Into the ocean grave

Blade-Handed Angels
Wings and limbs they shred
Blood spurts upon the gazes green
with flaring anger and killing intent
A howl outrageous
The arbitrator descends
to war drums thunderous arrows shrill through the rolling billiows
Upon the ground of risen pennants
The death knell is towed
A fog of blood is evoked

Soleem Slaughtering Bloody war
A bloodstainded cavalier towers in the nightly chill
Beneath the moonlight and beyond inferno flames
Enemies lie ambushed waiting to kill
Sinister winds raid as convulsed currents fall
Sweeping the shore is the sound of drawing swords
Frigid is the blade that strikes
Taking the soul
Splitting oceans
Cracking stones
Like the silver that flushes the sky when lightening fall
Released from a thousand years of torment

The evil adversary descends
Shaking the earth
Shocking the heavens
With an army of smothered souls

Compelling sorrow
A tear congeals
Tranquil is the soul that transfigures to the dream of old
With a bewildered eye
Reading the story of a thousand years
Striding alone in the netherworld

Locks of iron strangle the soul
Treading upon the beings despicable
All creation bathed in blood
Unfurling the inferno

Beneath the crescent
A bleak terror submerge
With a lonesome howl of affliction
Rotten corpses gather the souls
Drinking hatred Nine lifetimes of bloody tears
Singing of a death
A departure


Cloubs capsized
Combat thrashes through the abyss
Decapitated heads
Bloodstained oceans
A thousand years of hatred within a single gaze

Ashen hair twirls into locks of chains
Blizzard of blood
Slaughtered enemies
Sacrificed to concillate the souls of our ancestry
The pale moon rippled upon the ocean flow
A lonesome tear mourns for the ocean funeral

Der häufigste Grund, den Text von Grave Ocean kennenlernen zu wollen, ist, dass du es wirklich magst. Offensichtlich, oder?

Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass Anthelion in Live-Konzerten nicht immer oder wird nicht immer treu zum Text des Liedes Grave Ocean sein... Es ist also besser, sich auf das zu konzentrieren, was das Lied Grave Ocean auf der Platte sagt.

Denke daran, dass du dich immer an uns wenden kannst, wenn du den Text eines Liedes wissen möchtest, wie es jetzt mit dem Text des Liedes Grave Ocean von Anthelion der Fall war.