Songtexte von Antidote

Liebst du die Lieder von Antidote? Hier findest du die Texte zu Antidotes Liedern, damit du sie aus vollem Halse singen, deine eigenen Versionen kreieren oder einfach genau verstehen kannst, was sie bedeuten.

  1. 15 In '77
  2. All Alone
  3. All wrong
  4. Anti nazi youth
  5. Automatically
  6. Back in year zero
  7. Bounce the bouncer
  8. Brainwash
  9. Broodje Kaas
  10. Businessman
  11. Camera
  12. Come along
  13. Crawling
  14. Dancing On A Bomb
  15. Dat Maak Ik Zelf We1 Uit
  16. Dead punks
  17. Different worlds
  18. Disposable Generation
  19. Do you remember
  20. Dogstory
  21. Don't let them get away
  22. Dope
  23. Drinking in the sun (is so much fun)
  24. Dropout
  25. Europe's Downfall
  26. Fast food
  27. Fed Up
  28. Friends
  29. Fuck Homophobia
  30. Fuck politics
  31. Fuck the media
  32. Fuck you
  33. Geen beweging
  34. Get Up When You Fall
  35. Go pogo
  36. How can we live tomorrow
  37. Hunted Down
  38. I don't care
  39. I don't like you
  40. I like you
  41. Identity
  42. Ik Kots Van Nederland
  43. Koldermodel
  44. Laat Me Met Rust
  45. Let's get back to punk
  46. Let's get drunk
  47. Live by the rules
  48. Live fast die old
  49. Lost Generation
  50. Money
  51. My government is a farce
  52. My life
  53. Negatief agressief
  54. Negativity
  55. New enemy
  56. Nietsnut
  57. No Communication
  58. No nazis in punk
  59. No!
  60. Nothing Has Changed
  61. Nu Even Niet
  62. One Step Forward
  63. One Way Or The Other
  64. Out of control
  65. People not profits
  66. Politicians
  67. Pride
  68. Punkrock for sale
  69. Punkrocker
  70. Rat Race
  71. Rebellion Of Apathy
  72. Riot in the city
  73. Rood wit blauw met een bruine rand
  74. Senseless violence
  75. Slaaptekort
  76. Song For The Dead
  77. State money
  78. Stuck In A Rut
  79. Stuck in your views
  80. Stuck to you guns
  81. Swastika on your hand
  82. Technocrust
  83. Think you're God
  84. This is me
  85. Too Late
  86. Trashcan
  87. Unite not fight
  88. Victim
  89. Waste of time
  90. We Don't Wanna Know
  91. What you want me to do
  92. Who's the racist

Antidote bezeichnet: Antidot Antidote (Band), eine ehemalige finnische Thrash-Metal-Band Antidote (Hardcore-Band), eine US-amerikanische Hardcore-Band Antidote (Lied), einen Titel der French-House-Gruppe Swedish House Mafia

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