Songtext zu 'Infanticide' von Anvil

There are many faces of death
But none as horrific as the irrational slaying of innocent infants
The committing of infanticide

New born innocent victim
Killed by Mother's infliction
Psychotropic sickness
There will be no forgiveness

Severe mental psychosis
A state of non compos mentis

Blood that's frozen frigid
A heart of hardened ice
A breath of death to warm her
As she makes the sacrifice


Post Partum depression
The dying child's convulsion
Vicious act of madness
Emotional breakdown and sadness

Cold and callous
Mean and malice
Sad but true
Nothing you can do

Death desire that can't be tamed
Overflow her brain
For this death she's not to blame
You know that she's insane
Psychoactive chemicals affecting all perception
Termination elimination the removal of all conception

From the womb to the grave
How can we conceive
Trauma stricken mother
Sits crying in disbelief

Hormonal dysfunction
The innocent child's destruction
Born to die
Weeping mothers cry
Nothing but waste
Consequences faced

Cold and callous
Mean and malice
Sad but true
Nothing you can do

Demonic possession
Said to leave this message
Overpowering emotion
The mother and child's devotion

Blood that's frozen frigid
A heart of hardened ice
A breath of death to warm her
As she makes the sacrifice

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Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass Anvil in Live-Konzerten nicht immer oder wird nicht immer treu zum Text des Liedes Infanticide sein... Es ist also besser, sich auf das zu konzentrieren, was das Lied Infanticide auf der Platte sagt.

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