Songtext zu 'Bloodswamp' von Asphyx

Several days of panic
since the great escape
a fugitive moving
through an unknown landscape
persecutors hunting
with stubborn resolution
running, drudgeing, stumbling
unbearalbe exhaustion

Exotic flora changing
black vegetation
curse of mother nature
botanical mutilation
thicket suddenly ending
insanity revealed
reaching from east to west
such horror unreal

Face the bloodswamp
this boiling pool
steaming perversion
a bubblig brew

Foul creation
stinking few
so warm and damp

Wading through the liquid
sink into the gunk
vomiting from the nose
as blood fills up your lungs
spitting out red dirt
thickened filth you gulp
death the desgusting way
choking in the pulp

Zu wissen, was der Text von Bloodswamp sagt, ermöglicht es uns, mehr Gefühl in die Performance zu legen.

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