Songtext zu 'Time Ain't Money' von Beat Soup

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Time ain't money, time ain't money no
And war is not peace and the west is not the east
And a famine's not a feast and you've got me on my knees thinking
Time is money, yeah.

My brother joined the army cause he wants to be a man
And he wants to see the world and be all that he can
But that's no consolation on the day we got the wire
That your Uncle Sam is sorry but at least it was friendly fire

Time ain't money, time ain't money no
And war is not peace and the west is not the east
And a famine's not a feast and you've got me on my knees thinking
Time is money, yeah.

No consolation you got no way to say goodbye
No consolation it's just word assassination
It's only what they need to get by
It's just a little white lie, just a little white lie
It's just a little white lie, just a little white lie
When the tell you...

"Ensuing obligations are forthrighteously defined..."
Read this paper on my car now I've got to pay a parking fine
The judge the legal system and a jury of my peers
All agreed that twenty dollars now would save me twenty years

Time ain't money, time ain't money no
And war is not peace and the west is not the east
And a famine's not a feast and you've got me on my knees thinking that
Time is money yeah.

Energy is matter times the speed of light squared
And they tell me that's important but me? I never really cared
Cause I'm no rocket scientist and I don't understand
But if you've got a second I'll sell it to you second hand that

Time ain't money, time ain't money no
And war is not peace and the west is not the east
And a famine's not a feast and you've got me on my knees thinking that
Time is money yeah.

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