Songtext zu 'Seed Of Love' von Ben Caplan

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When it rains it pour
There will be water 8 days in store
Growing in pools right there on the floor
Flowin downstairs and out the door

When you’re in drought don’t be in doubt
Brother for now you can do without
But when the beautiful clouds come out
Try not to drown try not to shout

Man when your dry life can be hard
That queen of hearts is a fickle card
When your hard life can be dry
No matter how hard you try

Just, when you think you’re stuck
Bleeding and bleeding and down in the muck
A change of winds a bit of luck
And girls
Just dying to give you a phone number
Give me a call here’s my phone number
Brother that’s all, just a phone number
But that’s all you need
Man get that phone number
So the seed of love
Seed of love no matter how small
Can blossom and grow or do nothing at all
But when the rains begin to fall
Seed of love will sprout
If only you’d call

When things are juicy and wet
Brother you better not forget
Don’t go run out after all you can get
That’s a good way to get someone upset
Brother your thirsty i know
But even though rushing waters flow
You got to try to take it slow
Or right back to the desert you’ll go
Cause there’s many clouds’ up in that sky
And though you’d like to drink and drive
It’s not a good idea to try
All that just keep flooding by

Picture just one cloud
The one that you sought
Will rain on you if she sees you fought
Be in her rain
To love her a lot
To get really wet and to touch her soul

Seed of love
No matter how small
Can blossom and grow or do nothing at all
But when the rains begin to fall
Seed of love

Seed of love
No matter how small
Can blossom and grow or do nothing at all
But when the rains begin to fall
Seed of love

Es gibt viele Gründe, den Text von Seed Of Love von Ben Caplan kennenlernen zu wollen.

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Streitest du mit deinem Partner, weil ihr verschiedene Dinge versteht, wenn ihr Seed Of Love hört? Den Text des Liedes Seed Of Love von Ben Caplan zur Hand zu haben, kann viele Streitigkeiten beilegen, und wir hoffen, dass es so sein wird.

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