Liebst du die Lieder von Biffy Clyro? Hier findest du die Texte zu Biffy Clyros Liedern, damit du sie aus vollem Halse singen, deine eigenen Versionen kreieren oder einfach genau verstehen kannst, was sie bedeuten.
Siehst du das Lied, das du magst, in dieser Liste der Lieder von Biffy Clyro?
- Many Of Horror
- Different People
- Biblical
- Bubbles
- Opposite
- Space
- 10 Bodies
- 27
- 4/15ths
- 51 Trumpets
- 57
- 9/15ths
- A Day Of...
- A Girl And His Cat
- A Headline
- A Hunger In Your Haunt
- A Lonely Crowd
- A Man Of His Appalling Posture
- A Tragic World Record
- A Whole Child Ago
- Accident Without Emergency
- All Singing And All Dancing
- All The Way Down
- All The Way Down (Chapter 1)
- All The Way Down (Chapter 2)
- And Now The Action Is On Fire
- And With The Scissorkick Is Victorious
- Animal Style
- As Dust Dances
- Atrocity
- Balance, Not Symmetry
- Being Gabriel
- Black Chandelier
- Bodies In Flight
- Bonanzoid Deathgrip
- Boom, Blast & Ruin
- Born on a Horse
- Break a Butterfly On a Wheel
- Breatheher
- Buddy Holly
- Children's Limbs
- Chistopher's River
- City Of Dreadful Night
- Cloud Of Stink
- Convex, Concave
- Corfu
- Coward
- Creative Burns
- Denier
- Diary Of Always
- Do You Remember What You Came For?
- Don't, Won't, Can't
- Drop It
- DumDum
- End Of
- End Of Summer
- Eradicate The Doubt
- Errors In The History Of God
- Euphoria
- Ewan's True Mental You
- Ewen's True Mental You (Hidden)
- Eye Lids
- Fever Dream
- Feverish
- Fingerhut
- Fingers And Toes
- Flammable
- Folding Stars
- Friends and Enemies
- Get Fucked Stud
- glitter and Trauma
- God & Satan
- God and Satan
- Good Practice Makes Permanent
- Got Wrong
- Hawkwind
- Help Me Be Captain
- Herex
- Hero Management
- Hiya
- Hope For An Angel
- Howl
- I Am Everyone
- I Hope You're Done
- I Sat By The Ocean
- I'm Behind You
- In The Name Of The Wee Man
- Iname
- Instant History
- Instructio4
- It Always The Quiet Ones
- Joy. Discovery. Invention
- Joy.Discovery.Invention
- Justboy
- Kill The Old, Torture Their Young
- Know Your Quarry
- Less The Product
- Let's Get Smiling
- Liberate The Illiterate/A Mong Among Mingers
- Little Hospitals
- Little Soldiers
- Living Is A Problem Because Everything Dies
- Lonely Revolutions
- Love Has A Diameter
- Love Sex Magic (cover)
- Machines
- Many Of Horror (when We Collide)
- Medicine
- Milky
- Modern Magic Formula
- Mountains
- Muckqwaikerjawbreaker
- My Recovery Injection
- No I’m Not Down
- North Of No South
- Now I'm Everyone
- Now The Action Is On Fire!
- On A Bang
- Once An Empire
- Only One Word Comes To Mind
- Only One Word Comes To My Mind
- Paperfriend
- Party On
- Pause It And Turn It Up
- People
- Picture A Knife Fight
- Pocket
- Prey Hey
- Questions And Answers
- Re-arrange
- Relief Or Fight
- Robbery
- Sad Sad Songs
- Saturday Superhouse
- Scary Mary
- Semi Mental
- Shock Shock
- Sky Demon
- Skylight
- Small Wishes
- Solution Devices
- Some Kind Of Wizard
- Sorry and Thanks
- Sounds Like Balloons
- Spanish Radio
- Stars And Ahites
- Staurday Superhosue
- Stingin' Belle
- Street Love
- Stress On The Sky
- Strung To Your Ribcage
- Take Me Out (Franz Ferdinand Cover)
- That Golden Rule
- The Atrocity
- The Captain
- The Conversation Is...
- The Fog
- The Go-Slow
- The Houses Of Roofs
- The Ideal Height
- The Joke's On Us
- The Kids From Kibble And The Fist Of Light
- The Rain
- The Thaw
- The Weapons Are Concealed
- There's No Such Man As Crasp
- There's No Such Thing As A Jaggy Snake
- Thundermonster
- Time As An Imploding Unit/Waiting For Green
- Time Jazz
- Tiny Indoor Fireworks
- Toottoottoot
- Touch
- Toys Toys Toys Choke Toys Toys Toys
- Tradition Feed
- Travis Perkins
- Trumpet Or Tap
- Umbrella
- Unsubtle
- Victory Over The Sun
- Waiting For Green
- Watch
- Wave Upon Wave Upon Wave
- Weird Leisure
- When The Faction's Fractioned
- Who's Got A Match
- Whorses
- With Aplomb
- Wolves Of Winter
- Woo Woo
- Wooden Souvenir
- Yearn
Biffy Clyro ist eine schottische Band aus Ayrshire, die 1995 gegründet wurde.
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Es passiert oft, dass wenn dir ein Lied einer bestimmten Gruppe oder eines Künstlers gefällt, dir auch andere ihrer Lieder gefallen. Also, wenn dir ein Lied von Biffy Clyro gefällt, wirst du wahrscheinlich viele andere Lieder von Biffy Clyro mögen.
Die Liedtexte von Biffy Clyro folgen oft bestimmten Mustern, die du entdecken kannst, wenn du genau darauf achtest. Bist du bereit herauszufinden, welche es sind?
Um die Muster in den Liedern von Biffy Clyro zu entdecken, musst du nur ihre Texte sorgfältig lesen und nicht nur darauf achten, was sie sagen, sondern auch, wie sie aufgebaut sind.
Das Analysieren der Liedtexte von Biffy Clyro kann sehr unterhaltsam sein und wenn du gerne komponierst, kann es dir helfen, Formeln zu finden, um deine eigenen Kompositionen zu erstellen.
Manchmal helfen uns die Lieder von Biffy Clyro, das auszudrücken, was wir denken oder fühlen. Ist das bei dir der Fall?