Songtext zu 'Witching Hour' von Black Map

Witching Hour ist ein Lied von Black Map, dessen Text unzählige Suchanfragen hat, deshalb haben wir entschieden, dass es seinen Platz auf dieser Webseite verdient, zusammen mit vielen anderen Liedtexten, die Internetnutzer kennenlernen möchten.

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One crow left calling in the dark
At the witching hour
Under shrouded sky
Headlights crest upon the ridge
I could see upon their eyes
Coming up to take me

Hope this time I make I through
All my demons right and true
Wild eyed at the rendezvous
Hope this time I make it

I was thrown into the back
Violently bound and gagged
Tossing with each turn
I could feel the car advance
Heading for the pier
Bracing for impact

Hope this time I make I through
All my demons right and true
Wild еyed at the rendеzvous
Hope this time I make it

We dive down deeply into an infinite sea
But I see my chance to swim to find
A place with light, a place that's mine and leave
These fuckers down here sleeping with the shells

Think this time I'll make it through
Think this time I'll make it through
Nothing for miles in my rearview
And this time I'll make it through
This time I'll make it through
This time I'll make it through
To my demons, I bid adieu
This time I'll make it through

Oh, this time I'll make it through
Oh, this time I'll make it through
Fly right by the old rendezvous
This time I'll make it through

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