Songtext zu 'Ain't The Same' von Blackberry Smoke

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Ain't The Same ist ein Lied von Blackberry Smoke, dessen Text unzählige Suchanfragen hat, deshalb haben wir entschieden, dass es seinen Platz auf dieser Webseite verdient, zusammen mit vielen anderen Liedtexten, die Internetnutzer kennenlernen möchten.

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He saw the lightning flash across the bright blue sky
Saw the rain creep across the road
Well he stopped and said that's the devil beatin' his wife
Or some old tale the old folks told

It's a five mile walk between here and uptown
On a road lined with sugarcane
They won't notice if he goes anywhere
Here lately it's like they've forgotten his name
He just can't forget the way

The days seemed so much brighter
And the breeze could blow the troubles away
You could see angels dancing in the flame
This old place seemed so much bigger
Now he sees it all a different way
Nothing's really changed
But it ain't the same

He's been back from overseas about thirty days
He returned standing proud and true
Yeah, the new is worn off his welcome home
Like the heat burnin' off the dew

Empty bottles that mean the bills ain't gettin' paid
Same holes knocked in the walls
Mama don't fight back like in her younger days
Goin' over the edge, well it's a hell of a fall
Can't he just go back a page

Yeah, the days seemed so much brighter
And the breeze could blow the troubles away
You could see angels dancing in the flame
This old place seemed so much bigger
Now he sees it all a different way
Nothing's really changed
But it ain't the same

He don't know where he's headed for
But the buses run right on time
Anywhere's better than staying here
With the ghosts running through his mind

The things that he's seen and done
Are so much for any Mother's son
To live down or try to run away from
Can't he run

Yeah, the days seemed so much brighter
And the breeze could blow the troubles away
You could see angels dancing in the flame
This old place seemed so much bigger
Now he sees it all a different way
Nothing's really changed
It just ain't the same

Es gibt viele Gründe, den Text von Ain't The Same von Blackberry Smoke kennenlernen zu wollen.

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Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass Blackberry Smoke in Live-Konzerten nicht immer oder wird nicht immer treu zum Text des Liedes Ain't The Same sein... Es ist also besser, sich auf das zu konzentrieren, was das Lied Ain't The Same auf der Platte sagt.

Wir hoffen, dass wir dir mit dem Text des Liedes Ain't The Same von Blackberry Smoke geholfen haben.

Lerne die Texte der Lieder, die du magst, wie Ain't The Same von Blackberry Smoke, sei es, um sie unter der Dusche zu singen, deine eigenen Coverversionen zu machen, sie jemandem zu widmen oder eine Wette zu gewinnen.