Songtext zu 'Tongues' von Bodyjar

Tearing up the forests building freeways
Digging out the coal more open mines
Blinkers shut to the warning signs the only focus the bottom line
But if you listen to the chorus you will hear our voices raised as one
Our children’s world will not be sold
For the profit of white-collar lying tongues

We gotta show them that fighting now
Paper trails are loaded guns
Show them what we’re finding out
They’re controlling everyone

This worn out road won’t matter tomorrow no
It’s on fire today

Disregard the history tear down buildings
Make the price of progress your excuse
Pollute and poison the water now the only reason is not the truth
Let the corporations buy your silence
Now we have our voices raised as one
Our futures fate will not be sold
For the prophet of white collar lying tongues

We gotta show them that fighting now
Paper trails are loaded guns
Show them what we’re finding out
They’re controlling everyone

This worn out road won’t matter tomorrow no
It’s on fire today

We gotta show them that fighting now
Paper trails are loaded guns
Show them what we’re finding out
They’re controlling everyone

The hope the lies the rope to hang you
Paper trails and loaded guns
The self appointed man, the laws that don’t apply to everyone

This worn out road won’t matter tomorrow no
It’s on fire today
It’s on fire today
It’s on fire today
It’s on fire today

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