Songtext zu 'Hollywood Squares' von Bootsy Collins

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Ah, Hollywood
Land of How do you do's?
Movie stars, take two's
Lights, cameras, action
And where is my leading lady?
Let me try this new love scene on you, buba

I'm very casual
I've been loving you for days
I've been loving you for days

Hollywood, you shooting star
Hollywood, in fancy cars
And we sho' like to play
And we sho' do like to play

And of course, I have a cartoon mind
So we're fun, funnin' in the sunshine
Get my eyes fed on, uh, Hollywood and Vine
It's about girl watchin' ya see, fa days

I'm just funnin' in the sunshine
Well, of course this is no Hollywood square
Funnin' uh when the playa plays
Of course I'ma player

There's so much mellow mellow at the
(Hollywood get down)
There's so much mellow drama at the
(Hollywood get down)
There's so much mellow madness at the
There's so much mellow magic at the
Hollywood get down

Dance all you can
Dance all you can
Dance all you can
Dance all you can
Hollywood, Hollywood
Get down now
(Dance all you can)

Party, LA, a California
City of Angeles, Hollywood
(I've been diggin' you for days)
The land of the free
(I've been diggin' you for days)
Freeway, free highs
Free bees and free okay bye

Hollywood, you shootin' star
Hollywood, in fancy cars
Where oh where is my leading lady?
And we sho' like to play

I'm a playa and I'm playin' just to play
(And we sho' do like to play)
I'm a playa and I'm playin' just to play
And I ain't playin', dig it?

Hollywood down
Come here you leading lady lookin'
Uh, let me rehearse
This love scene on you baby
One mo' time

Have no dear my fear
Paul Renear is vere
And I'm chayin' to hear that feelin'
Aw naw, let's take two, let's take two
We gone keep doin' this 'til we get it right lovely

Uh, have no fear
Uh, my fear have no
Uh, aw shucks just forget it
Let's go boogie baby, let's boogie
Uh, let's just boogie down, baby

Hollywood get down
Uh, let me do the grab you cha cha cha
(Hollywood get down)
Cha cha cha

I been lovin' you for days
I been lovin' you for days
I been lovin' you for days
I'll be lovin' you for days
I'll be lovin' you for days
I'll be lovin' you for days
Let me lovin in you for days

Hey, there's gonna be a party for days
Playin' when the playa plays
Hey, there's gonna be a party for days
Playin' when the playa plays

Hey, there's gonna be a party for days
Playin' when the playa plays
Hey, there's gonna be a party for days
Playin' when the playa plays

Hey, there's gonna be a party for days
Playin' when the playa plays
Hey, there's gonna be a party for days
Playin' when the playa
He'll be playin' just to play

Hey, there's gonna be a party for days
Playin' when the playa plays
Hey, there's gonna be a party for days
Playin' when the playa plays

Hey, there's gonna be a party for days
Playin' when the playa plays
Hey, there's gonna be a party for days
Playin' when the playa plays

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Etwas, das öfter passiert, als wir denken, ist, dass Leute den Text von Hollywood Squares suchen, weil es ein Wort im Lied gibt, das sie nicht ganz verstehen und sicherstellen möchten, was es sagt.

Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass Bootsy Collins in Live-Konzerten nicht immer oder wird nicht immer treu zum Text des Liedes Hollywood Squares sein... Es ist also besser, sich auf das zu konzentrieren, was das Lied Hollywood Squares auf der Platte sagt.

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