Songtexte von Born Blind

Finde hier die Texte zu deinen Lieblingsliedern von Born Blind.

  1. Blame Yourself
  2. Born blind
  3. Bucket Of Sorrow
  4. Bucket Of Sorrows
  5. Comfort Zone
  6. Crucify
  7. Dead hands
  8. Fight
  9. Hard To Breathe
  10. Hold on
  11. Look into the soul
  12. Looking Into The Soul
  13. Never Look Back
  14. No Complaints
  15. Nothing More, Nothing Less
  16. One for all
  17. Outcry
  18. Pressing On
  19. Relight
  20. Saved
  21. Separation
  22. Taken from us
  23. Taught A Lie
  24. Tired Of Your Opinions
  25. Together
  26. Trapped
  27. You Say?

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