Songtext zu 'Party At Sean's House' von Broadway

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Auf unserer Webseite haben wir den kompletten Text des Liedes Party At Sean's House, nach dem du gesucht hast.

Party At Sean's House ist ein Lied von Broadway, dessen Text unzählige Suchanfragen hat, deshalb haben wir entschieden, dass es seinen Platz auf dieser Webseite verdient, zusammen mit vielen anderen Liedtexten, die Internetnutzer kennenlernen möchten.

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Hey what's up? How are you? It fells so good to be back
Oh geez, I missed all you kids. Did you miss me back?
It's been a long time since I've been here
But not a damn things change in these past 3 years

It seems like every time I come back home
All of my life was lived without me I'm alone

Wasting away in a tiny van
I'm waiting for breaks and a big big check
To clear all of my debt and this weight of my back
That is hurting from the angle that I sleep every night in
We're always fighting
I can't deny that
I feel like crying
Every time I come back

Cuz it's four AM and I'm the only one sober
My friends are dancing on the living room sofa
It's a good sign, no more bad times
I've made it home
It's four AM and I'm the only one sober
My friends are dancing on the living room sofa
It's a good sign, no more bad times
I've made it home

Well it hurts to look back and think of the times
That we all got together and spent the whole night
Trading stories of grandeur and possible fights
We never got injured but I did one time

You gotta admit you never felt so alive
When responsibilities were never in sight
Just preoccupied with having the time of your life

Wasting away in a tiny van
I'm waiting for breaks and a big big check
To clear all of my debt and this weight off my back
That is hurting from the angle that I sleep every night in
We're always fighting
I can't deny that
I feel like crying
Every time I come back

Cuz it's four AM and I'm the only one sober
My friends are dancing on the living room sofa
It's a good sign, no more bad times
I've made it home
It's four AM and I'm the only one sober
My friends are dancing on the living room sofa
It's a good sign, no more bad times
I've made it home

Okay, it's past five and it seems like
I'm the only one to survive the night
Well maybe if life wasn't so hard
I'd still be passed out in Sean's front yard

It's four AM and I'm the only one sober
My friends are dancing on the living room sofa
It's a good sign, no more bad times
I've made it home

Cuz it's four AM and I'm the only one sober
My friends are dancing on the living room sofa
It's a good sign, no more bad times
I've made it home
It's four AM and I'm the only one sober
My friends are dancing on the living room sofa
I've made it home

Der häufigste Grund, den Text von Party At Sean's House kennenlernen zu wollen, ist, dass du es wirklich magst. Offensichtlich, oder?

Zu wissen, was der Text von Party At Sean's House sagt, ermöglicht es uns, mehr Gefühl in die Performance zu legen.

Wenn deine Motivation, nach dem Text des Liedes Party At Sean's House zu suchen, war, dass du es absolut liebst, hoffen wir, dass du es genießen kannst, es zu singen.

Fühl dich wie ein Star, wenn du das Lied Party At Sean's House von Broadway singst, auch wenn dein Publikum nur deine zwei Katzen sind.

Lerne die Texte der Lieder, die du magst, wie Party At Sean's House von Broadway, sei es, um sie unter der Dusche zu singen, deine eigenen Coverversionen zu machen, sie jemandem zu widmen oder eine Wette zu gewinnen.

Denke daran, dass du dich immer an uns wenden kannst, wenn du den Text eines Liedes wissen möchtest, wie es jetzt mit dem Text des Liedes Party At Sean's House von Broadway der Fall war.