Songtext zu 'We'll Have A Party' von Broadways

the sun came up exposed the cloud the city put up
grey mountains lost grey skies covered them up
so what if we can make a million cars in one day
or a million bombs to blow ourself up
should we call this free?
the answer's obvious decisions made for and against us
the sun came up behind the trees on the city it looks so ugly to me
a million people a million dreams
but not a word spoken it seems
i'll be a friend to you be a friend to me
the bosses learned to fool the slaves into 8 hour days
but do we need them or do they need us?
it seems like we dwell on these useless things
life-styles of wealth pursuit of money
competition says to beat each other down for personal gain
sorry i didn't call last night, i've got a lot of nothing taking all my time
motivation sometimes sinks deep in the couch cushions
sometimes sleep is my best friend
and it hurt me when my friends transformed into my parents
they don't call here anymore so it all comes down to this turn
18 find life employment shut your mouth cover your eyes
i think we deserve a bit more than this
do you really think you run your life?
and when all the skies turn grey and the earth rejects this mess we've made
and all the cities fallt ot he sea
when every person has the means to build a life, follow their dreams
and not be worked into their grave
when all governments
and multi-million dollar corporations have been torn down
by commen men, when it all falls down
you and i sitting on the mountain side staring at the sun.

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