Songtext zu 'Life Is Strange (feat. Dan Bull)' von Cammie Robinson

I don't read between the lines
'Cause I can always turn back time
Mistakes are something I don't make
And I know that life is strange
But I'll never be the same

I am a girl (cheer)
With all the time in the world
Got time on my hands and time's on my side
Ahead of my time, having the time of my life
But it's time for a change, time to rewind
Time for another plan, time to decide
And if I can rewind, then I can read minds
Pulling together these pieces of time

Pull the hands back
Take another path, another chance
Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans

Pull the hands back
Take another path, another chance
Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans

I don't read between the lines
'Cause I can always turn back time
Mistakes are something I don't make
And I know that life is strange
But I'll never be the same

Each photograph I take is a broken little token of a moment and a place
Another snapshot, backed up on the laptop
I gather evidence against Blackwell lapdogs
This is for Kate Marsh
The way they baited her is way harsh
Why must they take time to break hearts
When all we want to do is stay aside, make art?
Arrange parts of time into a straight path

Time to pay your dealer and time's a great healer
I might faint from this time bomb, hey veela
My cerebral cortex is spinning a vortex
Clubs you're not invited to and things you never saw yet
I need a time out right now
I need to breathe back those hurtful words into my mouth
But as I wipe the blood from my nose
I know that my time's up another moment froze

It's high time we had an everyday hero
In the right place at the right time, here, oh
I guess I've got time for one more line
So Cammie run that by me one more time

I don't read between the lines
'Cause I can always turn back time
Mistakes are something I don't make
And I know that life is strange
But I'll never be the same

Life is strange (life is strange)
Life is strange (life is strange)

I don't read between the lines
I don't read between the lines

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