Songtext zu 'So Are We' von Canyon City

I'm walking on a long night
Under silent distant planes
In the bright candescent veins
From sky an orange maze
And I've been moving through the bloodline
Where the chain reaction starts and electrifies our hearts
We all just want to shock back who we are
Between the stars

Between flickers of a street light
And the time it takes to read both signs above the street
And the miles that they meet
Make me think about the way I
Went out winding through the years just to find you standing here
Our lives designed like finely tuned gears
In the craftsman's clock

I think about you now
The universe and how
It all, maybe, was meant to be
And so are we

I think about the last time the colors here changed
I heard somewhere somebody say
It really stays the same, it's only on the outside
When it's cold and all the trees
Can't justify their leaves
Let go and gold was always underneath
The green

I think about you now
The universe and how
It all maybe was meant to be
And so are we

I think about the sunrise
And the way it rides the air
Through the windows frosty layers, just clear enough to stare
And wonder with our own eyes
In the moments half asleep
Extensions of a dream, maybe
We're infinite like miles in between
The pinpricks filled with fire in the galaxies
That swirl and stir a quiet morning's subtle breeze
And you and me
Are meant to be

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