Songtext zu 'Make Some Cash' von Capital Tax

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Up early in the morn, all night, had no sleep
Tired as hell, but broke as glass on the street
Stomach crazy whylin, I ain't had no grub
Should I mug? (nah) So I jump my ass in the tub
Bounce in, bounce out, I get dressed and like break out
Can't be lackadaisy, cause life's really crazy
Without the green papes, you don't exist, it's amazin
So I do what I gotta, yo check it
("Me and you Ty we gonna make some cash" -> Slick Rick)
Put on my old sneakers, my ripped up jacket
and my dirty Lee's, cause the shits be saggin
down to my knees if I let em
but not from dollar bills, but I'm about to go and get em
Aiyyo - find me a spot to post up and try to come up
with my lil pail, it's not lookin swell
Since seven this morn', yo eight hours done passed
It's sad, I need to make some cash

Chorus: samples and crew

"Money, get the money!"
Make some cash, make some cash
"Me and you Ty we gonna make some cash" -> Slick Rick
Make some cash, we gonna make some cash
Make some cash, make some cash
"Me and you Ty we gonna make some cash" -> Slick Rick
Make some cash, we gotta make some cash (make some cash)
"Money, get the money!"
Make some cash, make some cash
"Me and you Ty we gonna make some cash" -> Slick Rick
Make some cash, we gonna make some cash
Make some cash, make some cash
"Dolla bill y'all"
Make some cash, we gotta make some cash


Now, sittin in the same old spot, and I have not
at least five bucks sh*t, it's time for me to get
up out this here business of beggin
I shoulda thought twice and like started bootleggin
You know what I mean I needs the green to function
So I stepped to the BP and started pumpin
massive gas and the cash came really fast
So now my homey BlackAss was like yo, saved at last
for the moment, by the great one, G-O-D
You know he musta been down with me (ya know it)
By my side for the ride that I had tooken
And outta nowhere y'know I musta not been lookin
Cause some young buck was like invaded on my kaper
cuttin into my paper, and I was like AIYYO HOLD UP, y'know
Wait just a minute, then I flashed
back to the past, I needs to make some cash


*breakdown - confrontation with other gas pumper*


Now, no time to hesitate, I gots the problem solver
Dug in my pocket for the twenty-two revolver
And if he don't step I drops the bomb like Pearl Harbor
Word to life, I think he oughta
Cause I know, that he don't, know what time it is
But I do, know that he shouldn't be shortstoppin the kid
Here's what I did, stepped real smooth, to the swindler
and said, hey yo bro, you know you gots to go
cause this here is my turf, my nine to five
how I survive - I guess he sorta sensed the vibe
and hitched a ride, now I'm feelin swell
Cause now I'm back in business over here on pump 12
Aiyyo makin my snaps how I can cause I'm strugglin
All by mysself but check it out, yo I've never been
that type of fella scared to ask when times was bad
I'm mad - yo, make some cash


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