Songtext zu 'Thought It Was Gonna Be Me' von Catherine McGrath

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Thought It Was Gonna Be Me ist ein Lied von Catherine McGrath, dessen Text unzählige Suchanfragen hat, deshalb haben wir entschieden, dass es seinen Platz auf dieser Webseite verdient, zusammen mit vielen anderen Liedtexten, die Internetnutzer kennenlernen möchten.

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Put my hair up, did my make up
Fifteen minutes in the mirror 'cause you said
That tonight was the night you were gonna be back in town
Little nervous, it's been a while since
The day you left and we didn't but we almost did
And it's all that I can think about

You said the band goes on tonight
You had me high on butterflies
Then I saw the girl standing by your side
Had to smile so I wouldn't cry

And I don't know what hurts the worst
Me alone or you with her
Or all the time I wasted on the things we never were
Or the way her hand was in your hand
Like I wanted mine to be
Or standing in the brand new dress I bought
'Cause I thought it was gonna be me

I try to sneak out, felt like such a fool
You came running, said: It's so good to see you
Meet my girl, yeah I think you're gonna get along
I had to sit there and be polite
Wanted to hate her but she's so damn nice
She made you happy, I could see in your eyes
Had to smile, so I wouldn't cry

And I don't know what hurts the worst
Me alone or you with her
Or all the time I wasted on the things we never were
Or the way her hand was in your hand
Like I wanted mine to be
Or standing in the brand new dress I bought
'Cause I thought it was gonna be me

Shoulda told you, shoulda told you
Only got myself to blame
Shoulda kissed you, shoulda kissed you
Now it's too late
Guess it's too late
I really thought it was gonna be me, yeah

And I don't know what hurts the worst
Me alone or you with her
Or all the time I wasted on the things we never were
Or the way her hand was in your hand
Like I wanted mine to be
Or standing in the brand new dress I bought
'Cause I thought it was gonna be me

I really thought it was gonna be me
I really thought it was gonna be me
I really thought it was gonna be me
I really thought it was gonna be me

Es gibt viele Gründe, den Text von Thought It Was Gonna Be Me von Catherine McGrath kennenlernen zu wollen.

Der häufigste Grund, den Text von Thought It Was Gonna Be Me kennenlernen zu wollen, ist, dass du es wirklich magst. Offensichtlich, oder?

Zu wissen, was der Text von Thought It Was Gonna Be Me sagt, ermöglicht es uns, mehr Gefühl in die Performance zu legen.

Ein sehr häufiger Grund, den Text von Thought It Was Gonna Be Me zu suchen, ist der Wunsch, ihn gut zu kennen, weil er uns an eine besondere Person oder Situation denken lässt.

Falls deine Suche nach dem Text des Liedes Thought It Was Gonna Be Me von Catherine McGrath ist, weil es dich an jemanden Bestimmtes denken lässt, schlagen wir vor, dass du es ihm auf irgendeine Weise widmest, zum Beispiel, indem du ihm den Link zu dieser Webseite schickst, sicher wird er die Andeutung verstehen.

Streitest du mit deinem Partner, weil ihr verschiedene Dinge versteht, wenn ihr Thought It Was Gonna Be Me hört? Den Text des Liedes Thought It Was Gonna Be Me von Catherine McGrath zur Hand zu haben, kann viele Streitigkeiten beilegen, und wir hoffen, dass es so sein wird.

Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass Catherine McGrath in Live-Konzerten nicht immer oder wird nicht immer treu zum Text des Liedes Thought It Was Gonna Be Me sein... Es ist also besser, sich auf das zu konzentrieren, was das Lied Thought It Was Gonna Be Me auf der Platte sagt.

Lerne die Texte der Lieder, die du magst, wie Thought It Was Gonna Be Me von Catherine McGrath, sei es, um sie unter der Dusche zu singen, deine eigenen Coverversionen zu machen, sie jemandem zu widmen oder eine Wette zu gewinnen.