Songtext zu 'The Ripe Beneath The Rind' von Cattle Decapitation

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Flesh shall flay
Peeled back -- exposing the nutrients of contents of mammal
Nutritious, delicious fruit

The stratified-squamous: keratinized
Epithelia dissected
Pseudo-stratified columnar, uni-cellular goblets (cells) secreting mucus
Gored out

The flesh is ripened - ready to gorge
Visceral contents empty on the floor
Like a fine wine the organs disgorge
Victim lies begging but I'm wanting more
The pain is insane, a new anus is torn

Gaping slice
Opened wide, peeling rind -- bleeding, spurting everywhere...
(now revealing the salty goodness beneath and flash frying it)
Lancing meat
Tender outside -- juicy inside - disgusts me...
Chopping, dicing, scrutinizing, dissecting and separating

A corpse is still a corpse, of course we dine with no remorse

We've sharpened all the knives to know the ripe that's beneath the rind
A blood lust curiosity, what makes these humans tick?
I've known it all my life...

Flesh shall flay
Peeled back -- now exposing the nutrients of contents of mammal
Nutritious, delicious fruit

The stratified-squamous: keratinized
Epithelia dissected
Pseudo-stratified columnar, uni-cellular goblets (cells) secreting mucus
Gored out

And like a wild boar your head is hunted
And like a cantelope your head is opened
And like a pork belly your skin seared sterile
And underneath it lie the lies, the murder, the man, the meat

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