Songtext zu 'Blood Crusade' von Cauldron Born

Driven beyond the point of no return
The stench of revenge fills their hearts
Surrounded by a vehement aura
Bloodlust in their eyes

Longing to unleash anguish upon
The empire that reigned for aeons
Vengeance whispered in their brain
Driving the horde insane

Their rage is their elixir
Envisioning those departed souls
The suffering, the torment, the horror they went through
Fueling the fire that burns their hearts

The empire closes in
As the darkness creeps the horizon
The full moon burns bright
On a pitch black sky

Icy winds stab The knights advancing
They see their destiny Without fear

The Endless Voyage concludes
Merciless, sadistic thoughts Of the Ruthless horde

Manipulate the Blood Crusade!!
Kill and break and wreck the place
Manipulate the Blood Crusade!!!
Eliminate all Race!

Manipulate the Blood Crusade!!
Destroy all ye face
Manipulate the Blood Crusade!!!
Death shall prevail!

Clamour emerges
Echoes all over
The knights take their positions
No remorse in their eyes


Death has arrived
The slaughter commences
Swords pierce through bodies
Blood gushes forth

Manipulate the Blood Crusade!!
Kill and break and wreck the place
Manipulate the Blood Crusade!!!
Eliminate all Race!

Manipulate the Blood Crusade!!
Destroy all ye face
Manipulate the Blood Crusade!!!
Death shall prevail!

Shades of Crimson everywhere
Headless bodies lie
On the blood stained ground
Death has taken its dominion

Total Domination!!!
Total Annihlation!!
Ashes Everywhere
The Empire Perishes in Despair

Manipulate the Blood Crusade!!
Manipulate the Blood Crusade!!!
Manipulate the Blood Crusade!!!!

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