Songtexte von Charlie Daniels Band

Finde hier die Texte zu deinen Lieblingsliedern von Charlie Daniels Band.

  1. The Devil Went Down To Georgia
  2. Still In Saigon
  3. The Legend Of Wooley Swamp
  4. Feeling Free
  5. Simple Man
  6. Sixteen Tons
  7. A Few More Rednecks
  8. Across The Line
  9. Ain't No Law In California
  10. All Night Long
  11. Alley Cat
  12. America I Believe In You
  13. American Farmer
  14. Back In The Saddle Again
  15. Billy The Kid
  16. Blind man
  17. Boogie Woogie Fiddle Country Blues
  18. Caballo Diablo
  19. Can't You See
  20. Carolina (I hear you calling)
  21. Carolina I remember you
  22. Cowboy Logic
  23. Day In The Life
  24. Drinkin' My Baby Goodbye
  25. Drinking My Baby Goodbye
  26. El Toreador
  27. Even Up The Score
  28. Everytime I See Him
  29. Fais Do Do
  30. Fathers And Sons
  31. Franklin Limestone
  32. Georgia
  33. Girl Next Door
  34. Git Along Little Dogies
  35. God bless the mother
  36. Gone For Real
  37. He's Not Here
  38. Heart Of My Heart
  39. High Lonesome
  40. High Speed Heroes
  41. Homesick
  42. Honky Tonk Life
  43. How Much I Love You
  44. I'm An Old Cowhand (from The Rio Grande)
  45. In America
  46. It's About Time
  47. It's Happening Now
  48. It's My Life
  49. Jesus
  50. Jesus Died For You
  51. Jesus is the light of the world
  52. Keep Your Hands To Yourself
  53. Layla
  54. Legend Of Wooly Swamp
  55. Let Freedom Ring
  56. Let Her Cry
  57. Let It Roll
  58. Little folks
  59. Little Joe and Big Bill
  60. Long Haired Country Boy
  61. Midnight Train
  62. Midnight Wind
  63. Mister D.j.
  64. Money Jane
  65. Muddy Mississippi
  66. My Baby Plays Me Just Like a Fiddle
  67. My Beautiful America
  68. New Pharisees
  69. New York City, King Size Rosewood Red
  70. No Place to Go
  71. Oh Atlanta
  72. Oh Juanita
  73. Old Chisholm Trail
  74. Old Rock 'n' Roller
  75. Old Rock'n Roller
  76. Passing Lane
  77. Payback Time
  78. Peach County Jamboree
  79. Play Me Some Fiddle
  80. Praying to the Wrong God
  81. Pride And Joy
  82. Prologue
  83. Ragin' Cajun
  84. Redneck Fiddlin' Man
  85. Reflections
  87. Road Dogs
  88. Rock This Joint
  89. Saddle Tramp
  90. Sail Away
  91. Sam Miguel
  92. San Miguel
  93. Saturday Night Down South
  94. Saturday Night In Abilene
  95. Sharp Dressed Man
  96. Somebody Was Prayin' For Me
  97. Southern Boy
  98. Standing in the rain
  99. Statesboro Blues
  100. Stroker's Theme
  101. Stroker's Time
  102. Sweet Little Country Girl
  103. Talk To Me Fiddle
  104. Tennessee Two Step
  105. Texas
  106. The Devil Comes Back to Georgia
  107. The Fiddle Player's Got The Blues
  108. The Last Fallen Hero
  109. The Martyr
  110. The Player's Got The Blues
  111. The Pope and the Dope
  112. The South's Gonna Do It
  113. The South's Gonna do It Again
  114. This Ain't No Rag, It's A Flag
  115. Tomorrow's Gonna Be Another Day
  116. Top Hand
  117. Tribulation
  118. Troubles Of My Own
  119. Trudy
  120. Twang Factor
  121. Two Out Of Three
  122. Uneasy Rider
  123. Uneasy Rider 88
  124. Waco
  125. Was It Twenty Six
  126. What My Baby Sees In Me
  127. What This World Needs Is A Few More Rednecks
  128. What You Gonna do About Me
  129. Whose Side Are You On
  130. Wichita Jail
  131. Wild Wild Young Men
  132. Willie Jones
  133. Yippie Ki Yea

Die Charlie Daniels Band war eine US-amerikanische Country-Rock-Band. Ihr bekanntester Song ist The Devil Went Down to Georgia, für den sie mit einem Grammy ausgezeichnet wurde. Die Band existierte von 1970 bis zu Daniels’ Tod 2020.

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