Songtext zu 'A Lustful Trauma' von Circle the Sky

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A cyan solution intoxicating your bloodstream. My eyesight plays a game, peroxiding the quality of your perception. I made a whore of you once and I will do it again and again and again and again!!
Your soul leaves the dilapidated body positioned beneath me in a draining coma of sleep.

The panic suffocates my impulsive actions; left your body forsaken in irregular muscular contractions.

A lust so strapping it's murderous. Murderous!

This scene of convulsing is truly violating.
This scene of convulsing is truly violating.
This scene of convulsing is truly violating.
This scene of convulsing is truly violating.

Sunlight burns the jade in your eyes (in your jaded eyes); it insists on swathing our skin (our naked flesh).

I'll awake your bitter cold flesh with asphyxiating hands in this moment of fake love and pure intimacy

Sunlight burns the jade in your eyes (in your jaded eyes); it insists on swathing our skin (our naked flesh).

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