Songtext zu 'Temporary' von Clairmont The Second

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Temporary ist ein Lied von Clairmont The Second, dessen Text unzählige Suchanfragen hat, deshalb haben wir entschieden, dass es seinen Platz auf dieser Webseite verdient, zusammen mit vielen anderen Liedtexten, die Internetnutzer kennenlernen möchten.

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Clairmont The Second, Blues
Right, alright
Amen, amen

Too many coffins were bought
It's deeper than dead bodies, we alive let's abuse it
Habit to take for granted, confused with life when we lose it
We could all teach each other, we could all be students
Lacking the time to fight, timing our death I can't
Suicide not a choice, a thought that just came and went
Wanted eternal peace, couldn't deal with the stress

But why am I even stressed, barely have chin hair yet
Why my brothers in jail, I wanted to kick it with them
And praying when they out, impossible to go back in
My cousins got broken hearts unreasonable broken limbs
But when it gets too late, then we decide to call on him
Dreaming of my cousins homie flew away last summer
She was smiling she inside us although her sickness violent
Enough interactions so it shook me when it happened
She was my age why we wasting time on judging status

My life expectancy not guaranteed
Some love and family is all I need
It only takes a second to be gone, it only takes a second to be gone
So using every second while I breathe on
While I, breathe on
While I, breathe on
Tomorrow I'm gone

I ain't got time to be fuss and fighting with family
No attention to energy causing bad in my memories
My grandma getting older
So why put life into haters when I don't even know them
So why put hate in the system black people, they ain't for us
They don't know that we are golden so they'll never hold us
Donald Trump a distraction let's focus on the bigger
Let's not kill our families, they'll already kill us

I curse envy and jealousy, that is not meant for we
That is not meant for none, yet in our homes we see
Blessed with some baby cousins, bratty but I still love them
My older brother stunting, Europe for me is coming
Tryna give more than nothing, tell my Dad quit his job
Tell my mom quit her school, or tell her I'll pay it off
Don't have a lot of time, you can see on my skin color
Tomorrow can be no more, I'ma live while I feel something for real though

My life expectancy not guaranteed
Some love and family is all I need
It only takes a second to be gone, it only takes a second to be gone
So using every second while I breathe on
While I, breathe on
While I, breathe on
Tomorrow I'm gone

You recognize all you got is tonight
Your time ain't slowing down
Reverse all you want but it's all in your mind, but
I tried to make them understand but they don't want to
They don't want to

Let your mind be free
All you got is now let yourself be free
Let your mind be free
All you got is now let yourself be free

My life expectancy not guaranteed
Some love and family is all I need
It only takes a second to be gone, it only takes a second to be gone
So using every second while I breathe on
While I, breathe on
While I, breathe on
Tomorrow I'm gone

Es gibt viele Gründe, den Text von Temporary von Clairmont The Second kennenlernen zu wollen.

Fühl dich wie ein Star, wenn du das Lied Temporary von Clairmont The Second singst, auch wenn dein Publikum nur deine zwei Katzen sind.

Ein sehr häufiger Grund, den Text von Temporary zu suchen, ist der Wunsch, ihn gut zu kennen, weil er uns an eine besondere Person oder Situation denken lässt.

Falls deine Suche nach dem Text des Liedes Temporary von Clairmont The Second ist, weil es dich an jemanden Bestimmtes denken lässt, schlagen wir vor, dass du es ihm auf irgendeine Weise widmest, zum Beispiel, indem du ihm den Link zu dieser Webseite schickst, sicher wird er die Andeutung verstehen.

Etwas, das öfter passiert, als wir denken, ist, dass Leute den Text von Temporary suchen, weil es ein Wort im Lied gibt, das sie nicht ganz verstehen und sicherstellen möchten, was es sagt.

Denke daran, dass du dich immer an uns wenden kannst, wenn du den Text eines Liedes wissen möchtest, wie es jetzt mit dem Text des Liedes Temporary von Clairmont The Second der Fall war.