Songtext zu 'It's Just My Opinion' von Classified

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(Class, yo Class man, I heard these guys hatin on ya man
Your beats, your lyrics, everything)
Ha, Whatever man, it's their opinion, everyone got one, right?
I think I'm the dopest on the planet right now but it's just my opinion
Yeah, yeah
It's just my opinion, don't sound so affected, it's just my opinion
It's just my opinion
Yo, let me do this, you ready?

It's all a matter of opinion, some stay losin, some winnin
Some fall off in a minute, some blow up on a instant
Some come out of Canada, the best country to live in
Unless you like me and you a strugglin musician
Constantly grindin, honest when rhymin
Tryin to make a buck with no major label signing
Climbin the ladder tryin to reach for the prime
It's like a midget takin stairs two steps at a time (it won't happen)
So I discharge, spit bars, sit back
And leave thick scars from toes to your chin strap
Ain't tryin to get hard but kick start on impact
Crash through your class and give rap acts whiplash
So where your clique at? (*gasp*), get your wind back (*exhale*)
You need a break? Then eat a motherfuckin Kit Kat
I'll leave you mismatched with nowhere to go but down
Kill the chit chat and get your whole show shut down

It's just an opinion, haha, it's just my opinion
Don't get it twisted, it's just my opinion
Ain't nothin personal, it's my view and my visions
It's just an opinion
So, don't get it twisted, it's just my opinion
Ain't nothin personal, it's my beliefs and my visions

(So call me) a whack rapper, (call me) a backpacker
(Call me) a no back cracker, that's gets around on tractors
Just call me (*phone ringing*) and say it to my face
Everybody got an opinion but stick to what ya say
A man's words work and verses many ways
I plan to serve herbs and murder any stage
I plan to impress, pretty to filthy hoes
And put Canada on my back like Kanye West in his video
I ain't a savior, I'm a freak of nature
I break pens and eat paper, then a week later
Spit it out for each hater, unnormal behavior
But I told ya before, I'm not your average beatmaker
It's my opinion, World class premiere
I sat in front of a turntable half of last year
Diggin and creatin, that's all a kid got
That's why three fourths of my tracks are about hip-hop

It's just an opinion, it's just my opinion
Don't get it twisted, it's just my opinion
Ain't nothin personal, it's my view and my visions
If I don't like your style, it's just an opinion
If I say you're a bitch, it's just my opinion
If I think your rhymes are whack, it's just an opinion
Don't sound so affected, it's just my opinion
And if you think I talk funny, that's just your opinion
If you don't like my clothes, that's just your opinion
And if you don't feel my flow, that's just your opinion
I won't sound affected, it's just an opinion

Yeah and this is for the open-minded, who live outside the box
Who ain't confined and tryin to walk in someone else's socks
Whoever speakin out usin common sense
Ain't scared to voice their opinion and deal with the consequence
I give you props, it's harder than it looks
You need to do your part and be smart without books
They'll try to have you shook (*dog barking*), the bark is weak
You can say that rhyme pays but I know talk's cheap
And I don't hear it, I need to see actions not lyrics
I can see through your spirit, no matter what clothes you wearin
A lot of people really got to get back to the basics
That's just my opinion, nobody got to take it

And that's just my opinion, ha
Don't get it twisted, it's just my opinion
Ain't nothin personal, it's my view and my visions
It's just an opinion
So, don't get it twisted, it's just my opinion
Ain't nothin personal, it's my beliefs and my visions
It's just an opinion, it's just an opinion
Don't sound so affected, it's just my opinion

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