Songtext zu 'The Day Doesn't Die' von Classified

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This day doesn't die til.... [9x]
Forgive. Forget. That's a lesson that we haven't learned yet.
We try. We cry. But a day doesn't die til the sun is set.

Uh, yeah, night falls, days come and go
No retreat, stubborn, played the role,
Held a grudge, seen it takes its toll
I guess it proves I still got a way to go
Got to stop being so hard headed and hard nosed
and get rid of the excess cargo, you know
lighten up my carload cuz I keep veeren on back down to her road
Uh ? I've been lied to and cheated on
I've been shit talked, beat down, treated wrong,
and I won't forgive or forget
but I don't want to live with regret
and so I hope I can let go, move on,
try to forgive anybody who did Luke wrong
Yeah, right I can hold hope, hoping it'll do but I don't think I got the will to

Forgive. Forget. That's a lesson that we haven't learned yet.
We try. We cry. But a day doesn't die til the sun is set.

He goes, balls to the walls till I drop
Love what I am, hate what I'm not
I no longer talk or text message
any exgirlfriends or these exbestfriends.
Who left me stress and this neck tension
and who never paid any dues but expect pension
so that's what the friendship is suspended
and if you thought I'd forget guess again.
I don't have it in me. I don't have the discipline

Eye for an eye, the adreneline is kicking in
Burn me once then it's shame on you
If I let it happen twice than it's shame on me
okay, I get it, this is part of the vicious
cycle we live in so I'm forgivin
still gittin heated with anyone who burns us
I won't hold a grudge but I'm still tryin' to learn to

Forgive. Forget. That's a lesson that we haven't learned yet.
We try. We cry. But a day doesn't die til the sun is set.

The day doesn't die...[5x]

Sometimes I think I'm a rebel
but I'm trying to be the bigger man and never sink to your level
I try to stay subtle in all my neighbours drama
They're tellin the police that I'm growing marajuana
Thanks. Ya lyin' punk bitch ass wipe
Pricks comes and go every day that's life
and truth be told many other episodes occurred
but you ain't worth my time for a full verse
Shit, I forgive I never will

Forget. Forget. That's a lesson that we haven't learned yet.
We try. We cry. But a day doesn't die til the sun is set.

Forgive. Forget. That's a lesson that we haven't learned yet.
We try. We cry. But a day doesn't die til the sun is set.

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Ein sehr häufiger Grund, den Text von The Day Doesn't Die zu suchen, ist der Wunsch, ihn gut zu kennen, weil er uns an eine besondere Person oder Situation denken lässt.

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Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass Classified in Live-Konzerten nicht immer oder wird nicht immer treu zum Text des Liedes The Day Doesn't Die sein... Es ist also besser, sich auf das zu konzentrieren, was das Lied The Day Doesn't Die auf der Platte sagt.

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