Songtext zu 'Evenings In London (Marvin's Room Reimagined)' von Cody Simpson

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"Hello? Cody?
Cody, when are you coming home? I miss you!
When are you coming home? Hello?
Cody? Hello?"

I like this right here, yeah

Looking through my call log
All I see is your name there
I wish I could just call you
I’ve been overseas too long
I hope you ain't gon' go try
To find yourself a new guy
And I’ve been thinking so much
That I'mma call you anyway and say

Nights in Paris used to feel so bright
Rather stay in my hotel talk to you all night
Evenings in London never felt so sad
I wish you were here to share these days so bad

The life we chose, we're never together
Never together, but always and forever
The mornings in Rome, yeah, you should be here too
And even in London, I’ll always be faithful

I text you an "XO"
From my hotel in Melvin
I'm so busy here in Melvin
I never have the time to kick it no more
My flight's in the morning
But is it really so important?
Jet setter life I’m leading
Should I be coming home to you?

Times Square, New York used to feel so bright
Rather stay in my hotel talk to you all night
Evenings in London never felt so sad
I wish you were here to share these days so bad

The life we chose, we're never together
We're never together, but always and forever
Mornings in Rome, yeah, you should be here too
Even in London, I’ll always be faithful

I've never stop thinking 'bout how I miss you so much
And how I don’t kiss you enough, I know that
I don’t think I'm conscious of the monsters in the basement
'Till our vacation ended, it all goes bad
But damn, it’s all good

Babe, I just landed, oh, yeah, I just landed
You need to come over 'cause, babe, I just landed
How 'bout I text you what time you should be here?
Text me right back, yeah, as soon as you’re leaving
I need you right now, are you down to come chill with me?
Ignored other city that I’d rather be
It’s like all these beaches were made just for me
Forgot to bring your present back, I’m ashamed
Bet you'd love that ring engraved with your name
But evenings in London, they all felt the same
Been texting me all week, oh, girl, please, explain
You're finding it hard getting used to my fame?
Crushing how I've missed ya
I’ve been going crazy, girl, knowing how I missed you
Knowing how he kissed you
Oh, damn, I can’t believe you

Zu wissen, was der Text von Evenings In London (Marvin's Room Reimagined) sagt, ermöglicht es uns, mehr Gefühl in die Performance zu legen.

Wenn deine Motivation, nach dem Text des Liedes Evenings In London (Marvin's Room Reimagined) zu suchen, war, dass du es absolut liebst, hoffen wir, dass du es genießen kannst, es zu singen.

Ein sehr häufiger Grund, den Text von Evenings In London (Marvin's Room Reimagined) zu suchen, ist der Wunsch, ihn gut zu kennen, weil er uns an eine besondere Person oder Situation denken lässt.

Falls deine Suche nach dem Text des Liedes Evenings In London (Marvin's Room Reimagined) von Cody Simpson ist, weil es dich an jemanden Bestimmtes denken lässt, schlagen wir vor, dass du es ihm auf irgendeine Weise widmest, zum Beispiel, indem du ihm den Link zu dieser Webseite schickst, sicher wird er die Andeutung verstehen.

Etwas, das öfter passiert, als wir denken, ist, dass Leute den Text von Evenings In London (Marvin's Room Reimagined) suchen, weil es ein Wort im Lied gibt, das sie nicht ganz verstehen und sicherstellen möchten, was es sagt.

Wir hoffen, dass wir dir mit dem Text des Liedes Evenings In London (Marvin's Room Reimagined) von Cody Simpson geholfen haben.

Lerne die Texte der Lieder, die du magst, wie Evenings In London (Marvin's Room Reimagined) von Cody Simpson, sei es, um sie unter der Dusche zu singen, deine eigenen Coverversionen zu machen, sie jemandem zu widmen oder eine Wette zu gewinnen.