Songtext zu 'Regurgitated Carrion' von Colonize The Rotting

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I must fulfil my urge to kill everybody
Beat to death with no mercy, stomp their guts, piss on their broken bodies

Lusting to see the plasma drain, eagerly awaiting
Commands that resonate in my mind saying "kill them all,
every human being on earth takes lives with impunity"
Cleans the world through genocide of worthless human beings

Sawing right through your throat
Digging down in your torso, pulling your spine out

They remain nameless and forgotten as my name is known
Through the ages in my wake they are left, minced the decimated
Cadavers I have cannibalised, then I induce vomiting, spewing rotten chunks

Their flesh and blood, emulsified

The decimated cadavers I have cannibalised, then I induce vomiting
Spewing rotten chunks to take part in the formation of shit
They are unworthy of such in honour
I reap the spoils and rejoice in my art, their flesh brutalised
Beyond remains, given false hopes of escape, begging for their lives
Only to be killed

Lusting to see the plasma drain, eagerly awaiting
Commands that resonate in my mind saying "kill them all,
every human being on earth takes lives with impunity"
Cleans the world through genocide of worthless human beings

A red mist, abstract carnage all that's left in my wake
And just beyond, the ground is soaked with the vomitus slush
Of regurgitated carrion, your death is absolute
I devise new ways to dispatch life of the weak opposing forces

Within my compound I control all and my word is the law, my work will be studied
And remembered for all time, when all is revealed and my artful mastery of disarticulation recognised

I have brought you here to educate you of my power, they all learn first hand
With every strand of tissue, splintered meat a sign of understanding

I have brought you here to die for, I will own you to satisfy my
Homicidal urges, eclipsed only by my disgust for your species

My work will be studied

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