Songtext zu 'Armaggedon Upon Albion's Shores' von Conquer By Supremacy

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Armaggedon Upon Albion's Shores
I sign this day away in blood!!

Blood, thick with loyalty and strength
Was spilled to mix with nothing but earth
Men of valour gave themselves
SO that the land that we love would survive

Let all of my words be mine 'til the end
Let the Northern Lands stay true to themselves
And the ice that fills the cracks
Not shatter the foundation

Where night is still night
And the days are barren, but free
With an allegiance to the cold
The true North is the key
Where saints and spirits collide
In a land where no god resides
But even when the eyes have died

A heathen's heart still burns with pride

Even the greyest of days resonate life
Landscape of lore
Let me awake to the sound of battle
Than to the atrocities of the cities anyday

Here beyond Albion's Shore
Along the Hecate Strait

With an anthem that echoes
In the waves of the sea
...sung in each battle cry
The North is the key

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