Songtext zu ' Spot You In A Coalmine ' von Corey Hart

Wenn du lange nach dem Text des Liedes Spot You In A Coalmine von Corey Hart gesucht hast, fang an, deine Stimme aufzuwärmen, denn du wirst nicht aufhören können, es zu singen.

Oh, no, no
You give me a little light in a dark tunnel

You, you got the market on my heart
I declare right now that it belongs to you
And the whole world is witness to
So take the bad days from here
'Cause I never get what I want
Never want what I get
I'm spoiled rotten to the core
Baby there's something more

'O let me tell you that
I may be blindfolded, turn around
Spit on like a dog in the earth

Spot you in a coalmine
Yes it's true
I can spot you in a coalmine

And I, think of an old Dylan song
When I'm with my buddy Matt
And we're travelin' down the road
"The light we never knowed"

[No I can't bite my lip no more
I've heard this heartbreak story before
I can stand here and watch you
With my eyes close tight
Hey mister baby I know you alright
Don't you know I may be hazy-crazy
'Cause I haven't had a chance to say]

[Spot you in a coalmine
Yes it's true
I can spot you in a coalmine]

(And when the world is running you low)
I will be there
[I will be there]
('O when the world is treating you low)
I will be there
So take (three steps to me)
Oh no

*Spot you in a coalmine
Baby I know you're there
In a coalmine

*Spot you in a coalmine
Baby I know you're there
In a coalmine

*Spot you in a coalmine
Baby I know you're there
In a coalmine

I can [spot you in a coalmine]
Oh baby I know you're there
In a coalmine

*Spot you in a coalmine
Baby I know you're there
In a coalmine

*Spot you in a coalmine
Baby I know you're there
In a coalmine

*[Spot you in a coalmine
Baby I know you're there
In a coalmine]

[Oh I can't bite my lip no more]
[I've heard that heartbreak story before]
*Spot you in a coalmine
I know you're there
In a coalmine

*[Spot you in a coalmine
Baby I know you're there
In a coalmine]

*[Spot you in a coalmine
Baby I know you're there
In a coalmine]

[I say in a coalmine
*Spot you in a coalmine
Baby I know you're there
In a coalmine]

*[Spot you in a coalmine
Baby I know you're there
In a coalmine]

Oh no, no, na, na

*[Spot you in a coalmine
Baby I know you're there
In a coalmine]

Oh yea, you look good in a coalmine.

() Means harmony with Corey,
[] Means Ruby Turner singing,
*Means back-up vocals and harmony

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Etwas, das öfter passiert, als wir denken, ist, dass Leute den Text von Spot You In A Coalmine suchen, weil es ein Wort im Lied gibt, das sie nicht ganz verstehen und sicherstellen möchten, was es sagt.

Lerne die Texte der Lieder, die du magst, wie Spot You In A Coalmine von Corey Hart, sei es, um sie unter der Dusche zu singen, deine eigenen Coverversionen zu machen, sie jemandem zu widmen oder eine Wette zu gewinnen.