Wir haben alle Liedtexte von Current 93 gesammelt, die wir finden konnten, damit diejenigen, die wie du nach Liedern von Current 93 suchen, sie alle an einem Ort finden.
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- Alone
- God Has Three Faces And Wood Has No Name
- Imperium V
- (Hey Ho) The Noddy (Oh)
- 26 April 2007
- 30 Red Houses
- A Beginning
- A Gothic Lovesong
- A Sad Sadness Song
- A Sadness Song
- A Silence Song
- A Song For Douglas After He's Dead (Rebirth)
- A Thousand Witches
- A Voice From Catland
- Abba Amma (Babylon Destroyer)
- Aleph Is The Butterfly Net
- All The Pretty Little Horsies
- All The Stars Are Dead Now
- All The World Makes Great Blood
- An Ending
- Angel
- Anti-Christ And Bar Codes
- Anyway, People Die
- As Real As Rainbows
- At The Blue Gates Of Death
- Baalstorm! Baalstorm!
- Be
- Beausoleil
- Benediction/Malediction
- Bind Your Tortoise Mouth
- Black Flowers Please
- Black Ships Ate The Sky
- Black Ships In The Sky
- Black Ships Were Sinking Into Idumea
- Black Sun Bloody Moon
- Bloodstreamruns
- Blue Gates Of Death (Before And Beyond Them)
- Bonewhiteglory
- Bright Dead Star
- Broken Birds Fly
- Calling For Vanished Faces I
- Calling For Vanished Faces II
- Chewing On Shadows
- Chicka Woo
- Christ And The Pale Queen Mighty In Sorrow
- Christus Christus The Shells Have Cracked
- Crowleymass Unveiled
- Current 93 - A Song For Douglas After He's Dead (Rebirth)
- Death Of The Corn
- December 1971
- Diana
- Dögun
- Dormition And Dominion
- Earth Covers Earth
- Epilogue
- Fair Weather
- Falling
- Falling Back In Fields Of Rape
- Fields Of Rape
- Forever Changing
- From Broken Cross, Locusts
- Good Morning, Great Moloch
- Happy Birthday Pigface Christus
- Hitler As Kalki
- Hooves
- Horsey
- Hourglass
- Hourglass For Diana
- I Dance Narcoleptic
- i dreamt i was aeon
- I Have A Special Plan For This World
- Idumaea
- Immortal Bird
- Imperium I
- Imperium II
- Imperium IV
- In The Heart Of The Wood and What I Found There
- Into The Bloody Hole I Go
- Into The Menstrual Night I Go
- Invocation of Almost
- It Is Time, Only Time
- Judas As Black Moth
- Kings And Things
- Lament For Her
- Lament For My Suzanne
- Larkspur And Lazarus
- Let Us Go To The Rose
- Locust
- Love's Young Dream
- Lucifer Over London
- Malediction
- Mary Waits In Silence
- Misery Farm
- Mockingbird
- Moonlight, Or Other Stars, Or Other Fields
- Moonlight, You Will Say
- Mourned Winter Then
- Neimandswasser
- niemandswasser
- North
- Not Because The Fox Barks
- Oh Coal Black Smith
- Oh Merry-Go-Round
- On Docetic Mountain
- Or
- Panzer Rune
- passenger aleph in name
- Passing Horses
- Patripassian
- poppyskins
- Quiero Hablarte
- Raio No Terrasu (Jesus Wept)
- Red Hawthorn Tree
- Riverdeadbank
- Rome For Duglas P
- Rosy Star Tears From Heaven
- Sad Go Round
- Scarlet Woman
- She Is Dead And All Fall Down
- Since Yesterday
- Sleep Has His House
- So This Empire Is Nothing
- Soft Black Stars
- St. Peters Keys All Bloody
- Steven And I In The Field Of Stars
- Sunset (The Death Of Thumbelina)
- Tanks of Flies
- Terra Tegit Terram
- The Ballad Of The Pale Christ
- The Beautiful Dancing Dust
- The Bench and the Fetch
- The Birds Are Sweetly Singing
- The Bloodbells Chime
- The Blue Gates Of Death
- The Carnival Is Dead And Gone
- The Cloud Of Unknowing
- The Darkly Splendid World
- The Descent Of Long Satan And Babylon
- The Dilly Song
- The Dream Of A Shadow Of Smoke
- The Fall Of Christopher Robin
- The Final Church
- The Frolic
- The God Of Sleep Has Made His House
- The Great, Bloody And Bruised Veil Of The World
- The Inmost Light
- The Inmost Light Itself
- The Inmost Night
- The Invisible Church
- The Kettle’s On
- The Long Shadow Falls
- The Magical Bird In The Magical Woods
- The Milkmaid Sings
- The Nudes Lift Shields for War
- The Policeman Is Dead
- The Postman Is Singing
- The Seven Seals Are Revealed At The End Of Time As
- The Signs In The Stars
- The Stair Song
- The Summer Of Love
- The Teeth Of The Winds Of The Sea
- Then Kill Caesar
- They Returned To Their Earth (For My Christ Thorn)
- This Autistic Imperium Is Nihil Reich
- This Shining Shining World
- Those Flowers Grew
- Thunder Perfect Mind I
- Thunder Perfect Mind II
- Time Stands Still
- Time Tryeth Truth
- To Blackened Earth
- Twilight Twilight Nihil Nihil
- Valediction
- Vauvauvau (Black Ships in Their Harbor)
- Walking Like Shadow
- When The May Rain Comes
- Where The Long Shadows Fall
- Whilst The Night Rejoices Profound And Still
- Why Caesar Is Burning Pt. 2
- With Flowers in the Garden of Fires
- With The Dromedaries
- Your Future Cartoon
Current 93 ist ein britisches Musikprojekt, das 1982 von David Tibet (Geburtsname: David Michael Bunting) gegründet wurde. Den Namen „Tibet“ erhielt er von seinem damaligen Weggefährten Genesis P-Orridge aufgrund seines Interesses für Tibet und Alttibetisch. Der Bandname ist angelehnt an den Zahlenwert nach gematrischer Berechnung der Wörter Thelema und Agape, die in thelemischen Kreisen auch als „93er Strom“ oder „Current 93“ ausgesprochen wird.
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