Songtext zu 'Worlds Collide' von Dark Illumination

Never gonna die now
Crawling from a wrecked jam, I'm laughing out loud
Angel on my shoulder
Living at the speed of sound
Heavenly distraction
I'm hanging on the edge and spinning out of control
Choose your medication
It's a generation overload

I can see it falling from the sky
Can you feel me
I can hear you calling when you cry
Can you see me
Pain and suffering, your knees are tied
Will you hear me
Everchanging as your worlds collide

Running going nowhere
Take it to the limit then it's payback time
Nothing but a heartache
Waiting at the end of the line
Take a look around, babe
You're looking down the barrel of a loaded mind
Generation landslide
Crawling through the enemy lines

I will be the one your justify
Will you hear me
I will kiss you with a last goodbye

I thought I was the one who could survive
Does anyone get outta here alive
I gotta find the courage, gotta make a change
And start all over again
Taken for a ride against my will
And taking it is always such a bitter pill
Shaken for the sake of it, no more
Gotta get away cause I don't know what I'm doing it for

I can see it falling from the sky
Can you feel me
I can hear you calling when you cry
Can you see me
I will be there when you close your eyes
Will you hear me
Everchanging as your worlds collide

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