Songtexte von Dionne Bromfield

Siehst du das Lied, das du magst, in dieser Liste der Lieder von Dionne Bromfield?

  1. (Love Is Like A) Heatwave
  2. A Little Love
  3. Ain't No Mountain High Enough
  4. Am I The Same Girl?
  5. Animal
  6. Bad Intentions
  7. Beachwood 4-5789
  8. BeachWood 45789
  9. Black Butterfly
  10. Can't Unlove You
  11. Dancing in the street
  12. Don't Make It True
  13. Foolin
  14. Foolish Little Girl
  15. Forget You
  16. Get Over It
  17. Get Over It
  18. Good For The Soul
  19. He's So Fine
  20. If I Ain't Got You
  21. If That's The Way You Wanna Play
  22. In Your Own World
  23. It's a Shame (Doo Wop)
  24. Lost In Love
  25. Love Is a Losing Game
  26. Mama Said
  27. Move a Little Faster
  28. My Boy Lollipop
  29. No Way
  30. Oh Henry
  31. Ouch That Hurt
  32. Papercut
  33. Remember Our Love
  34. Seven Nation Army
  35. Silly Love
  36. Spinning For 2012 (feat. Tinchy Stryder)
  37. Sweetest Thing
  38. Tell Him
  39. Time Will Tell
  40. Too Soon To Call It Love
  41. Treat Me Right
  42. Two Can Have a Party
  43. Until You Come Back To Me
  44. Who Says You Can't Have It All
  45. With a Child's Heart
  46. Yeah Right
  47. Yeah Right (feat. Diggy Simmons)

Dionne Bromfield (* 1. Februar 1996 in London) ist eine britische Soul-Sängerin.

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