Songtext zu 'Warcry Of The Paladin' von Dragon Fable

When every day is the day of the dead
And the army of darkness is out for my head
I know ive got to stay strong and I've got to do right
I got to slay the undead with the power of light

I've killed zombies and ghosts everywhere in doomwood
But I don't understand why they reanimate food
Vampire children with trinkets and capes
They will hide from the light but they will never escape

Doom! Is all around
It's in the air, it comes out of the ground
But I've always had all the answers
Destroy the undead and kill the the necromancers

I've got a fistful of love and a blade made of faith
I'm gonna use it to free all the souls of the wraiths
I'm gonna fight all this evil with wasabi paste
Then the souls will be free and then the land will be safe

And I pray that the Sun will rise in doomwood
And I know the darkness can be cleansed with good

Doom! Is all around
It's in the air, it comes out of the ground
But I've always had all the answers
Destroy the undead and kill the the necromancers

All of the doom that's surrounding this land
I will purge it with light and the sword in my hand
Zombies will moan and ebil moglins will fear it
But they'll never last long when I'm channeling spirit

With light on my side
Doom has no where left to hide

Doom! Is all around
It's in the air, it comes out of the ground
But I've always had all the answers
Destroy the undead and kill the the necromancers

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