Songtexte von Electric Six

Liebst du die Lieder von Electric Six? Hier findest du die Texte zu Electric Sixs Liedern, damit du sie aus vollem Halse singen, deine eigenen Versionen kreieren oder einfach genau verstehen kannst, was sie bedeuten.

Siehst du das Lied, das du magst, in dieser Liste der Lieder von Electric Six?

  1. Boy Or Girl
  2. After Hours
  3. American Cheese
  4. Animal Attraction
  5. Be Afraid Of The Robot
  6. Be My Dark Angel
  7. Bite Me
  8. Bleed For The Artist
  9. Body Shot
  10. Broken Machine
  11. Chocolate Pope
  12. Clusterfuck!
  13. Countdown To The Countdown
  14. Dance Commander
  15. Dance Epidemic
  16. Dance Pattern
  17. Dance-A-Thon 2005
  18. Danger! High Voltage
  19. Devil Nights
  20. Dirty Ball
  21. Dirty Looks
  22. Don't Be Afraid Of The Robot
  23. Doom And Gloom And Doom And Gloom
  24. Down At McDonaldz
  25. Egyptian Cowboy
  26. Electric Demons In Love
  27. Escape From Ohio
  28. Everywhere
  29. Eye Contact
  30. Fabulous People
  31. Face Cuts
  32. Feed My Fuckin Habit
  33. Flashy Man
  34. Food Dog
  35. Formula 409
  36. Free Samples
  37. French Bacon
  38. Future Boys
  39. Future Is In The Future
  40. Future Police
  41. Gay Bar
  42. Germans In Mexico
  43. Getting Into The Jam
  44. Graphic Designer
  45. Gridlock!
  46. Heartbeats And Brainwaves
  47. Heavy Woman
  48. Hello! I See You
  49. I Am a Song!
  50. I Belong In A Factory
  51. I Buy The Drugs
  52. I Don't Like You
  53. I Go Through Phases
  54. I Invented The Night
  55. I Know Karate
  56. I Lost Control (Of My Rock'n'roll)
  57. I Wish This Song Was Louder
  58. I'm The Bomb
  59. Improper Dancing
  60. Infected Girls
  61. Interchangeable Knife
  62. It Gets Hot
  63. It's Showtime!
  64. Jam It In The Hole
  65. Jimmy Carter
  66. Kukuxumushu
  67. Lenny Kravitz
  68. Living On The Sexy Planet
  69. Love Song For Myself
  70. Lovers Beware
  71. Lucifer Airlines
  72. Making Progress
  73. Mr. Woman
  74. My Idea Of Fun
  75. Naked Pictures (Of Your Mother)
  76. Night Vision
  77. Nuclear War (On The Dance Floor)
  78. One Sick Puppy
  79. Pink Flamingos
  80. Pleasing Interlude No. 1
  81. Pleasing Interlude No. 2
  82. Pleasing Interlude No.1
  83. Psychic Visions
  84. Pulling the plug on the party
  85. Radio Ga Ga
  86. Randy's Hot Tonight!
  87. Riding On The White Train
  88. Rip It!
  89. Rock and Roll Evacuation
  90. Rock Show
  91. Rubber Rocket
  92. Rubbin' Me The Wrong Way
  93. Serious Help
  94. Sexy Trash
  95. She's Mine
  96. She's White
  97. Simulated Love
  98. Slices of You
  99. Steal Your Bones
  100. Synthesizer
  101. Tables And Chairs
  102. Take Off Your Clothes
  103. Talking Turkey
  104. Taxi To Nowhere
  105. Telephone Conversation
  106. The Band In Hell
  107. The Intergalatic Version
  108. The Living End
  109. The Newark Airport Boogie
  110. The Rubberband Man
  111. There's Something Very Wrong With Us, So Let's Go Out Tonight
  112. Transatlantic Flight
  113. Vengeance And Fashion
  114. Vibrator
  115. Waste Of Time And Money
  116. Watching Evil Empires Fall Apart
  117. We Don't Care
  118. We Use The Same Products
  119. We Were Witchy Witchy White Women
  120. When I Get To The Green Building
  121. White Eyes
  122. White Train
  123. You're Bored
  124. Your Heat Is Rising

Electric Six ist eine aus Detroit stammende Rockband, die in den Genres Hard Rock, Funk und Disco beheimatet ist.

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Die Liedtexte von Electric Six folgen oft bestimmten Mustern, die du entdecken kannst, wenn du genau darauf achtest. Bist du bereit herauszufinden, welche es sind?

Um die Muster in den Liedern von Electric Six zu entdecken, musst du nur ihre Texte sorgfältig lesen und nicht nur darauf achten, was sie sagen, sondern auch, wie sie aufgebaut sind.

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