Songtext zu 'The Five Shires' von Elvaron

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The Five Shires ist ein Lied von Elvaron, dessen Text unzählige Suchanfragen hat, deshalb haben wir entschieden, dass es seinen Platz auf dieser Webseite verdient, zusammen mit vielen anderen Liedtexten, die Internetnutzer kennenlernen möchten.

Wenn du lange nach dem Text des Liedes The Five Shires von Elvaron gesucht hast, fang an, deine Stimme aufzuwärmen, denn du wirst nicht aufhören können, es zu singen.


The heroes walk far from their land
They won't forsake the death of their friends
They have to find the way to the gate
Leading them into the lungs of hell
Now you're going through the five shires.

The Kingdom Of Lerendi

It's not a dream, you've reached the kingdom
Where the humans used to live, and still waiting for you to come

Under the heavy rain, under the driven snow
They're walking through the land, live by the Raistlin's law

See their faces, hear their cries
Shred by axes, feel the fear in their eyes

See the falling of their believes
Of a god who wasn't there
They won't live by the lashes
Prepare to fight anywhere

You hear a scream, it's another human's death
By the armies of the grief, that shatter the bodies and heads

See their faces, hear their cries
Shred by axes, feel the fear in their eyes

See the falling of their believes

-Where are we?
-It's the human's country
-What a mess!
-It ain't like that before
-All have been destroyed...
-...By the armies of Raistlin!
-Long is the road that will lead us to him
-I swear, under god, to avenge the people of the kingdom of Lerendi

Under the heavy rain, under the driven snow
They're walking through the land, live by the Raistlin's law
See their faces, hear their cries
Shred by axes, feel the fear in their eyes

...Forsaken by your god!!

The Elves Of Alfheim


The Dwarves Of Rockhome

The dwarves of Rockhome have been enslaved
Feel at home when they're burning to death in the flames
Working all day long in the forges and mines
Leaving their caves the bite of the sun burns their eyes
The armies of Raistlin have chain up their feet
Dreaming of war when they're ready to drop with sleep
Fighting the world and his evil creations
Waking up under the wings of domination

The heroes in Rockhome can feel their pain
See their anger when they're boring a well in the rain
Believe in their freedom in their bodies and souls
Blinded by hope they work their fingers to the bones
The armies of Raistlin have chain up your feet
Wake up and fight or 'til the end of times you'll creep
Standing there, you're waiting the saviour
Nation of warriors what have you done of your honour

The Nothern Reaches


The Orcs Of Thar

-Death to the orcs!
-Hail us!
-So close to the aim, we don't have to fail
-Our reign has come
-Far from humanity, lead by our sanity
-Quicken our pase
-Fresh flesh!
-If we avoid the fight we could stay alive
-You're on the land of Thar
-Struggle for life, choose your way to die

Rage in the eyes, weapons in hand
They're running through the twisted nails of faith
Showing their teeth, salver in mouth
Kill them all and Raistlin will be proud
Remember, vengeance is yours
If you fail, you won't rest in peace

-Six is enough!
-Good luck my friends
-Shred all the enemies, put their heads on your spears
-Using my axe
-You're just a dwarf!
-Taste my steel
-Don't make me laugh!
-Using my spells
-You are so weak!
-One word, you're dead
-You'll lay at my feet!
-Using my sword
-Go back and pray!
-I implore my lord
-And I dig your grave!

Six have been killed and twelve come again
But we all know the felony of the orcs
Captured, they keep the heroes in their jails

-Time is short we can't stop here and know
-You will not have enough blood in your veins!
-We must find a way to come out
-You are meet ah, ah ,ah....!!!!

Breaking their chains, killing their jailers
They run through the gallery's maze
Seeing the light, they come out
Into the forest, chase by the orcs
Fighting their fear of the threatening trees
Hear the screams, of the betrayed creatures
The orcs are coming nearer
The wizard begins to psalmodize
Lightning strikes, the enemies are burnt to death
On the edge of the forest
And standing far away in the valley
Their eyes meet the tower of Palanthas



Wenn uns ein Lied wirklich gefällt, wie es bei dir mit The Five Shires von Elvaron der Fall sein könnte, möchten wir es singen können, während wir den Text gut kennen.

Zu wissen, was der Text von The Five Shires sagt, ermöglicht es uns, mehr Gefühl in die Performance zu legen.

Fühl dich wie ein Star, wenn du das Lied The Five Shires von Elvaron singst, auch wenn dein Publikum nur deine zwei Katzen sind.

Falls deine Suche nach dem Text des Liedes The Five Shires von Elvaron ist, weil es dich an jemanden Bestimmtes denken lässt, schlagen wir vor, dass du es ihm auf irgendeine Weise widmest, zum Beispiel, indem du ihm den Link zu dieser Webseite schickst, sicher wird er die Andeutung verstehen.

Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass Elvaron in Live-Konzerten nicht immer oder wird nicht immer treu zum Text des Liedes The Five Shires sein... Es ist also besser, sich auf das zu konzentrieren, was das Lied The Five Shires auf der Platte sagt.

Wir hoffen, dass wir dir mit dem Text des Liedes The Five Shires von Elvaron geholfen haben.

Lerne die Texte der Lieder, die du magst, wie The Five Shires von Elvaron, sei es, um sie unter der Dusche zu singen, deine eigenen Coverversionen zu machen, sie jemandem zu widmen oder eine Wette zu gewinnen.

Denke daran, dass du dich immer an uns wenden kannst, wenn du den Text eines Liedes wissen möchtest, wie es jetzt mit dem Text des Liedes The Five Shires von Elvaron der Fall war.