Songtext zu 'How I Bleed' von Evig Natt

Gradually leaves turn to gold
They offer me the promise of an end
Still I know the end won't come
And I'll burn in the fire of fall

The ocean eats the rays of light
Cold at heart I just stand and stare
As they break through the clouds
Into the black they disappear

Exhausted I sleep without any relief
Nothing changes but the scenery
Once again we stumble only to find
There is no one there to break the fall

Everything's gone, I accept my fate
Enduring hate in the silence of this womb
The irony is that history repeats itself, tiring the soul.

How I bleed for you
How I bleed for you
Silence me with sweet stories
Wrap in memories no longer allowed
I can't breathe
I can't breathe
Lie and seethe
Thought it'd be peaceful
Oh how I bleed
How I bleed

You pierce me with your ice cold stare
How I envy our beauty, your being
And how you never really care that I'll love you forever, eternally

The omnipresent rumble of the sea
Conceals the pain from everyone but me
When words aren't enough I want to trust
That time will heal, but I've lost all faith

Exhausted I sleep without any relief
Nothing changes but the scenery
Once again we stumble only to find
There is no one there to break the fall

Everything's gone, I accept my fate
Enduring hate in the silence of this womb
The irony is that history repeats itself, tiring the soul

You blind me with lies that I want to believe
Open my eyes to the truth I can feel
You pierce me with words that I have to believe, have to believe

How I bleed for you
How I bleed for you
Silence me with sweet stories
Wrap in memories no longer allowed
I can't breathe
I can't breathe
Lie and seethe
Thought it'd be peaceful
Oh how I bleed
How I bleed

The golden blaze of april meadows
Omen of dark times ahead
The life it brings means nothing to me
It speaks of what's not to be

Forgotten mirrors, covered up
Reflecting ghosts of the past
Shadows dance across the glass
Before fleeing into the dark

As I walk through the swaying grass
On hilltops lingering with long light
I know that I'll remember
I'll remember this forever

How I bleed for you
How I bleed for you
Silence me with sweet stories
Wrap in memories no longer allowed
I can't breathe
I can't breathe
Lie and seethe
Thought it'd be peaceful
Oh how I bleed
How I bleed

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