Songtext zu 'Satans Empire Arriving at Desolate Earth' von Exitium

Satans Empire Arriving at Desolate Earth ist ein Lied von Exitium, dessen Text unzählige Suchanfragen hat, deshalb haben wir entschieden, dass es seinen Platz auf dieser Webseite verdient, zusammen mit vielen anderen Liedtexten, die Internetnutzer kennenlernen möchten.

Come on!

Hail to the cheif, lift up your arms.
Satan will guide us trough, trough the misty fog.

Come on!

I hold my sword high, I slit my enemies wrist,
I'll cut your fucking head off and fuck your brains.
And when the fog has risen, I stand on the bloody battlefield
I held my enemies head, and kick it like football.

Satans empire arriving, I stand up above the sky
then down, down below, waiting for me

Come on!

I walk on the desolate land, a soil so barren and cold
Floating above the sky, my enemies ghosts so high
I hold my sword high and lick the blood from it now
Yeah I killed them all so why should I care about you?

Come on!

Satans Empire Arriving at Desolate Earth
Satans Empire Arriving at Desolate Earth
Satans Empire Arriving at Desolate Earth
Satans Empire Arriving at Desolate Earth

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