Songtext zu 'One Foot In Hell' von Forbidden

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Auf unserer Webseite haben wir den kompletten Text des Liedes One Foot In Hell, nach dem du gesucht hast.

Regression! Progressive downfall
Grabbing what's there and still wanting it all

On words they fall

Obsession! Religious belief
Worshipped on Sunday, forgotten all week

One foot in Hell

Taking the truth from "The Book" and then twisting it
Feeling they're touched by the Lord
Loving their neighbor, yet tasting the flavor of sin
But seeing no wrong
Cramming the wisdom that righteously flows in them
Walking the crooked, straight line
Closing of minds to these innocent crimes
Now they're deaf, dumb, and blind!

One foot in Hell

Wretches! This pitiful man
Preaching and teaching with cross in hand

On words he falls

Into...! His final mistake
This fool was fooled, it was all give and take

One foot in Hell

Taking the truth from "The Book" and then twisting it
Turning the pages of writing, it falls into place
A puzzle of words
Cramming the wisdom that righteously flows in them
Attempting to fear the Commandments they hear
Now they're deaf, dumb, and blind!

[1st Lead: Craig]

[2nd Lead: Tim]

[3rd Lead: Craig]

[4th Lead: Tim]

"I look to the Heavens and call the Lord's name.
Praying on my knees, with much faith, and little doubt
I have a yearning for the answers to my calling in life
Am I wasting away on spirits of myth?
Am I questioning the Lord's prayer?
Is this unholy temptation or, my final realization?
Please, God, if you're there for me, give the wisdom for faith
Help me Lord!
God help me" - !

Regression! Progressive downfall
Grabbing what's there and still wanting it all

On words they fall

Obsession! Religious belief
Worshipped on Sunday, forgotten all week

One foot in Hell

Taking the truth from "The Book" and then twisting it
Feeling they're touched by the Lord
Loving their neighbor, yet tasting the flavor of sin
But seeing no wrong
Cramming the wisdom that righteously flows in them
Walking the crooked, straight line
Closing of minds to these innocent crimes

Show me the way - Point to the light
Is there a Heaven after I die?
What is a truth - Where does it lie
Give me the answer
Bare my soul - Naked and cold
End confusion, shed my last tear
Take me Lord - Open your Gates
End my deep sorrow

One foot in Hell
Who's answering the bell?

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Etwas, das öfter passiert, als wir denken, ist, dass Leute den Text von One Foot In Hell suchen, weil es ein Wort im Lied gibt, das sie nicht ganz verstehen und sicherstellen möchten, was es sagt.

Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass Forbidden in Live-Konzerten nicht immer oder wird nicht immer treu zum Text des Liedes One Foot In Hell sein... Es ist also besser, sich auf das zu konzentrieren, was das Lied One Foot In Hell auf der Platte sagt.

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Lerne die Texte der Lieder, die du magst, wie One Foot In Hell von Forbidden, sei es, um sie unter der Dusche zu singen, deine eigenen Coverversionen zu machen, sie jemandem zu widmen oder eine Wette zu gewinnen.

Denke daran, dass du dich immer an uns wenden kannst, wenn du den Text eines Liedes wissen möchtest, wie es jetzt mit dem Text des Liedes One Foot In Hell von Forbidden der Fall war.