Liebst du die Lieder von Freak Kitchen? Hier findest du die Texte zu Freak Kitchens Liedern, damit du sie aus vollem Halse singen, deine eigenen Versionen kreieren oder einfach genau verstehen kannst, was sie bedeuten.
Siehst du das Lied, das du magst, in dieser Liste der Lieder von Freak Kitchen?
Hier kannst du herausfinden, welche Lieder von Freak Kitchen am meisten gesucht werden.
- Freak Of The Week
- Propaganda Pie
- (Saving Up For An) Anal Bleach
- A regular guy
- Alone With My Phone
- Appetizer
- Are You for Real ?
- Becky
- Black Spider Flag
- Blind
- Breathe
- Broken Food
- Bull
- Burning Bridges
- By The Weeping Willow
- Chest Pain Waltz
- Clean it Up
- Come Back To Comeback
- Come Before You Leave
- Confusion To The Enemy
- Damage
- Dead Soul Man
- Deus Salve o Baço
- Do Not Disturb
- Dystopia
- Entertain Me
- Everything Is Under Control
- Forgive Me, I'm Swedish
- Get A Life
- God Save the Spleen
- Goody Goody
- Guilt Trip
- Gun God
- Happening Henry
- Hateful Little People
- Haw, haw, haw
- Heal Me
- Heroin Breakfast
- Hide
- Hip Hip Hoorah
- Hollow
- Honey, You're a Nazy
- Humiliation Song
- I Don't Want To Golf
- I Refuse
- Independent Way Of Life
- Infidelity Ghost
- Inner Revolution
- Jerk
- Lie Freedom
- Lisa
- Logo
- Look Bored
- Maggots Of Corruption
- Mathematics Of Defeat
- Michael and the syndrome
- Middle Class Panic
- Morons
- Mr. Kashchei And The 13 Prostitutes
- Murder Groupie
- Mussolini Mind
- My new haircut
- Nobody's Laughing
- Now You Know
- Ok
- Once Upon A Time In Scandinavistan
- One Last Dance
- One Last Dance
- Only a Dream
- Pathetic Aesthetic
- Porno Daddy
- Private Property
- Professional Help
- Proud To Be Plastic
- Push Through
- Ranks Of The Terrified
- Raw
- Razor Flowers
- Så Kan Det Gå När Inte Haspen Är På
- Scattered
- See You In Pittsburgh
- Seven Days In June
- Shithead
- Sick (Death by Hypochondria)
- Silence
- Slap Me In The Face
- Sloppy
- Snap
- Sob Story
- Some Kind of Love Song
- Spanking Hour
- Speak When Spoken To
- Supermodel Baby
- Taste my Fist
- Teargas Jazz
- The Bitter Season
- The Era Of Anxiety
- The Healthy Man
- The Man Who Taught His Asshole To Play The Flute
- The Only Way
- The Rights To You
- The Sinking Planet
- The Smell of Time
- The Special Profession
- The Ugly Side Of Me
- The Wrong Year
- Tiny Little Second
- Troll
- Vaseline Bizniz
- Walls of Stupidity
- We Will Not Stand Down
- We've Heard It All Before
- What's The Problem
Freak Kitchen ist eine Heavy-Metal-/Hard-Rock-Band aus Göteborg in Schweden, die seit 1992 existiert. Das hohe technische Niveau ihrer Kompositionen lässt aber auch eine Einordnung als Progressive-Metal- oder Progressive-Rock-Band zu.
Eklundh begann seine Karriere 1989 bei der Hard-Rock-Formation Fate. Er hat auch drei Solo-Alben veröffentlicht, Sensually Primitive (1997; unter dem Pseudonym Mr. Libido), Freak Guitar (1999) und Freak Guitar - The Road Less Traveled (2004).
Freak Kitchen hat 2005 ihr sechstes Album Organic fertiggestellt.
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