Songtext zu 'Manhattan Madness' von Irving Berlin

Wenn du lange nach dem Text des Liedes Manhattan Madness von Irving Berlin gesucht hast, fang an, deine Stimme aufzuwärmen, denn du wirst nicht aufhören können, es zu singen.

Manhattan, Manhattan, Manhattan, Manhattan
Manhattan madness
You've got me at last
I'm like a fly upon a steeple
Watching seven million people
Do a rhythm
That draws me with 'em

Manhattan, Manhattan, Manhattan, Manhattan
Manhattan madness
You're going too fast
I'm like a baby on a rocker
Watching Father Knickerbocker
Being busy
I'm getting dizzy

When shadows creep, in my bed I tumble
But never sleep for I hear the rumble
In the street, the tramping of feet
That haunt me the whole night long
And through the day I'm watching the drama
That people play in your panorama
And I hear in tones very clear
The sound of your restless song

Subways below and trains above racing
Packed with humanity
Taxis and trucks and trolley cars chasing
Busy as they can be
Steaming machines and riveters grating
Motors instead of men
Buildings go up with wrecking crews waiting
To tear them down again

Newsies that shout sensational headlines
Peddlers with things to sell
Noisy cafes and whispering breadlines
Children that scream and yell
Whistles and bells and siren horns blowing
Pistols that crack and roar
Traffic that stops and goes without knowing
What's all the shooting for

Manhattan, Manhattan, Manhattan, Manhattan
Manhattan madness
You've got me at last
I'm like a fly upon a steeple
Watching seven million people
Do a rhythm
That draws me with 'em
And it's mad!

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Etwas, das öfter passiert, als wir denken, ist, dass Leute den Text von Manhattan Madness suchen, weil es ein Wort im Lied gibt, das sie nicht ganz verstehen und sicherstellen möchten, was es sagt.

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