Songtext zu 'The Funnies' von Irving Berlin

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Sunday is Sunday to my family
But Sunday is not simply Sunday for me
For Sunday's the one day when I love to see the funnies
Breakfast is nothing of which you can boast
But breakfast to me isn't coffee and toast
It's coffee and toast and what I love the most, the funnies

Oh, I love the funnies
I couldn't go without the funnies
A cup o' coffee to my lips and in between the sips
The papers with the capers that are in the comic strips
Which means I'm simply mad about
I mean I couldn't do without the funnies

Oh, in my pajamas
I love to read the "Katzenjammers"
A little coffee in a cup and "Bringing Father Up"
I'm dippy over "Skippy" and his little yellow pup
Which means I'm simply mad about
I mean I couldn't do without the funnies

I'm not concerned with the news of the day
The stories of who murdered who
And for the columns what they have to say
I have no need of
I don't want to read of

The guys and all their honeys
The wealthy daughters or the sonnies
The news about the lovely trips that people take in ships
I'd rather read about the people in the comic strips
Which means I'm simply mad about
I mean I couldn't do without the funnies

[Alternate lines:]
And as for what Mister Hearst has to say

The Dempseys or the Tunneys

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