Liebst du die Lieder von Jakob Sveistrup? Hier findest du die Texte zu Jakob Sveistrups Liedern, damit du sie aus vollem Halse singen, deine eigenen Versionen kreieren oder einfach genau verstehen kannst, was sie bedeuten.
Wir haben alle Liedtexte von Jakob Sveistrup gesammelt, die wir finden konnten, damit diejenigen, die wie du nach Liedern von Jakob Sveistrup suchen, sie alle an einem Ort finden.
Finde hier die Texte zu deinen Lieblingsliedern von Jakob Sveistrup.
- A Desert Flower
- A Love From Outer Space
- Air
- Alice Childress
- And I Say
- And It Seems Like I'll Stay
- Anitina
- Anne Waits
- Army
- Baby Milk Snatcher
- Bad Idea
- Barrytown
- Battle of Who Could Care Less
- Beloved
- Benfolds
- Best Imitation of Myself
- Bizzare Christmas Incident
- Boxing
- Brick
- Bruised
- Carrying Cathy
- Champagne Supernova
- Cigarette
- Cool Whip
- Crack Up
- Crazy Blue
- Crosstown Traffic
- Dog
- Don't Change Your Plans
- Down
- Eddie Walker
- Emaline
- Evaporated
- Fair
- Fired
- For Those of Y'all Who Wear Fanny Packs
- Give Judy My Notice
- Gone
- Green Hazed Daze
- Guilty
- Hava Nagila (Isreali Folk Song)
- Hiro's Song
- Hospital Song
- In a Circle
- In Between Days
- Into the Blue
- Jackson Cannery
- Jane
- Julianne
- Just Pretend
- Kalamazoo
- Kate
- Leather Jacket
- Lonely
- Lonely Christmas Eve
- Losing Lisa
- Lover
- Lullabye
- Magic
- Mess
- Miles Apart
- Missing the War
- Mitchell Lane
- Narcolepsy
- Not the Same
- One Angry Dwarf and 200 Solemn Faces
- One Down
- One Way Mirror
- Philosophy
- Protection
- Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head
- Regrets
- Rockin' the Suburbs
- Rocky
- Satan Is My Master
- Scab
- Selfless, Cold and Composed
- She Don't Use Jelly
- Silver Street
- Smoke
- Snow Joke
- Song For the Dumped
- Spermwhale Trip Over
- Spook
- Sports & Wine
- Steven's Last Night in Town
- Still Fighting It
- Sugarwings
- Suicide Kiss
- Sulliday
- Talking To You
- The Ascent of Stan
- The Last Polka
- The Luckiest
- The Madonna Is With Child
- The Secret Life of Morgan Davis
- The Sun Falls Into the Sea
- The Ultimate Sacrifice
- Tiny Dancer
- Tom and Mary
- Tonight the Bottle Let Me Down
- Twin Falls
- Uncle Walter
- Underground
- Up
- Video
- Video Killed the Radio Star
- W.o.g.s.
- Wandering
- Wave a White Flag
- What's All This Then?
- Where's Summer B.?
- Your Most Valuable Possesson
- Your Redneck Past
- Zak and Sara
Jakob Sveistrup (* 8. März 1972) ist als dänischer Sänger und Musiker bekanntgeworden, obwohl er hauptberuflich Lehrer für autistische Kinder ist.
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